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高三英语写作句型训练 句型1: Undoubtedly,... / There is no/little doubt that... 毫无疑问,人们越来越重视身体健康。 Undoubtedly, people pay / attach more and more attention to health. 句型2: ...think/believe/feel/find/ make/ consider…+it+ adj./n.+of/for sb. to do sth. 我认为无论何时见到老师都跟老师问好是有礼貌的表现。 I think it good manners to say hello to your teachers whenever you meet them. 科学的发展令我们跟别人联系很方便。 The development of science has made it quite convenient for us to get in touch with others 句型3:It is worth remembering that... 值得牢记的是,和许多国家比较,英国是一个生活昂贵的地方。 It is worth remembering that compared with many countries, the UK is an expensive place to live. 段落一: 毫无疑问,有人认为循环利用垃圾要花费大量时间,很麻烦。但必须牢记的是,这样做可以为我们现在面临的环境问题作出非常大的贡献。 Some people undoubtedly consider it troublesome to recycle their rubbish, as it takes a good deal of time, but it is worth remembering that it can make a great contribution towards solving the environmental problems we face today. 句型4: There is no denying that... 不可否认,当今世界上妇女正在发挥着重要的作用。 There is no denying that women are playing an important role in the world today. 不可否认,事业成功的关键在于健康的身心。 There is no denying that successful business lies in a healthy body and mind. 句型5: Since..., why shouldn’t /don’t... 既然我们都困在这里了,为什么我们不好好享受这个城市的一切呢? Since we are trapped here, why don’t we make the most of it and enjoy the city? 既然生命是短暂的,我们为何不善加利用我们的时间? Since life is short, why not make the best of our time? 句型 6: Its (high/about) time that sb. did/should do sth 该是我们停止这一趋势的时候了。 It is high time that we put an end to the trend. 句型7: Only in this way / by doing sth. can we… 只有采用这个办法你才能在英语方面取得进步。 Only in this way can you make progress in English. 只有按下这个按钮你才能启动它。 Only by pressing this button can you switch it on. 段落二: 毫无疑问我们都意识到这个问题。既然这样,为什么我们不采取行动解决这个问题呢?政府早就应该开始认真对待它了。只有采取措施改革教育制度,我们才能确保全国范围的学生都能享受平等的权利。 Since there is no denying that we are all aware of the problem, why shouldn’t we act to solve it? It’s high time the government began to take the matter seriously. Only by introducing measures aimed at the reform of educat


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