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湖北省中稻展示品种产量及其相关性状通径分析摘要:对湖北省中稻展示品种的产量及其相关性状进行了相关及通径分析。结果表明,对产量的重要性依次为每穗实粒数、有效穗数、千粒重、全生育期和每穗总粒数,各性状间又通过复杂的相互作用对产量形成方向、大小不同的间接效应。因此在中稻生产中应注意各个性状间的平衡和协调发展,通过合理密植、肥水运筹保证有效穗数和穗子的适当大小,中后期巧施穗粒肥促进灌浆顺畅,保证粒重和增加结实率。在品种选育时应选择结实率高、每穗实粒数和有效穗数较多、粒重偏大的性状 关键词:中稻;产量及其相关因素;通径分析 中图分类号:S511.3+2;S11+4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0439-8114(2011)24-5046-05 Path Analysis on the Yield and Relative Characters of Medium Rice in Hubei Provincial Displaying Experiment DONG Hua-lin1,ZHOU Cheng-jun2,SONG Shao-ping3,XIE Gang4,FEI Zhen-jiang1, CHENG Fang-yuan3,WU Xiao-zhi1,WEI Lei1 (1. Food Crop Institute, Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Wuhan 430064, China; 2. Seed Administrative Bureau, Suizhou 441300, Hubei, China; 3. Popularization Center of Agricultural Technology in Junchuan Town, Suizhou 441300, Hubei, China; 4. Popularization Center of Agricultural Technology in Wanhe Town, Suizhou 441300, Hubei,China) Abstract: Correlation an path analysis on the yield and relative characters of medium rice in Hubei displaying experiment were analysed. The results indicated that the important taits to yield were filled grain number per panicle, panicle number, grain weight, whole growthseason, glume number per panicle successively. Moreover, indirect effects with different power and direction on yield were brought by complex interaction between characters. So it is necessary to balance and harmonize all the traits in medium rice production, such as compact planting, planning and management fertilizer & water to guarantee enough panicle number and proper big panicle, skillfully using panicle & grain fertilizer to increase grain weight and seed setting rate through promoting grouting. In medium rice variety breeding, the characters such as high seed setting rate, high filled grain number per panicle and panicle number, high grain weight should be given more attention. Key words: medium rice; yield and its characters; path analysis 湖北是水稻生产大省,水稻常年播种面积200万hm2左右,其中中稻播种面积130万hm2左右,面积和总产量分别占全省


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