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33 1 ( ) V ol 33 N o1 2008 2 Journal ofK unm ing U n iversity of Sc ience and T echnology ( Sc ience and T echnology) Feb 2008 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 孙士云, 刘宗宾 , 胡泽江 , 孙 涛, 刘振松 , 张静芳, 朱文涛 , 韩 武 ( 1 , 65005 1; 2 , 6500 11) : 基于传统的供电能力评估方法得出的定性的结论, 不能用量化的指标反映电网实际的供 电能力水 , 所以本课题引入了模糊的处理方法, 这种方法不仅能得到各个影响因素的模糊量化 结论, 而且能对整 个城市电网的整体供电能力进行模糊评估, 具有很大的优越性 本文基于模糊 理论对昆明城市电网的供电能力进行了评估 得到了供电能力的量化结论, 为电网的运行方式制 定和生产技术改造提出了相应的建议 : 城市电网; 供电能力; 模糊理论 : TM 7273 : A : 1007 - 855X ( 2008) 0 1- 0065- 04 Fuzzy Evaluat ion on Pow er Supply C apability of K unm ing P ow er G rid 1 2 2 1 1 SUN Sh iyun , L IU Zongb in , HU Zejiang , SUN T ao , L IU Zh engsong , 1 1 2 ZHANG J ingfang , ZHU W entao , HAN W u ( 1 F acu lty o f E lec tric P ow er Eng inee ring, K unm ing U niversity of Science and T echno logy, Kunm ing 650051, Ch ina; 2 Kunm ing Pow er Supply Bureau, K unm ing 6500 11, China) Abstract: Qu alitative resu lts from the traditional m ethod o f evaluat ing pow er supp ly cap ab ility are not enough to quant ify the actua l cap ability Therefore fuzzy m ethod, wh ich is qu ite sup erio r for its ab ility to get fuzzy quant i fied results of each inf lu ence factor and an appra isa l of the pow er supply, is in trodu ced in th is p ap er A n evalu a t ion of the pow er supply cap ab ility of Kunm ing city grid is then carried out to obta in qu antified results F ina lly, adv ices on layout and mi provem ent of pow er grid are put forw ard Key words: c ity pow er grid; pow er sup


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