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语境分析 在翻译理解阶段 具有的重要意义 BY: 孙梦云 石可 语境理论 1932 年英国人类学家马林诺夫斯基(Malinowski) 最早提出了语境(context) 这个概念,并把语境分为文化语境和情景语境。 而后,中外语言学家们从不同的角度对语境内容进行了研究,作出过种种不同的阐述。 语境是决定语义的唯一因素,脱离了语境,则不存在语义。 1.从范围看   语境可分为广义语境和狭义语境 (此处广义语境不包含上下文)。 2.从内容上分   分为题旨语境和情景语境 3.从表现形式上说   可分为外显性语境和内隐性语境。 4.从情绪的角度   情绪语境和理智语境。 5.以语种来分   单语语境与双语语境。 6.据运用划分   可划分为伴随语境,模拟语境等。 语境是任何一种自然语言的语言表达式所依赖的语言知识及所蕴含的非语言知识的总和。 语境的主要功能是对语言的制约作用。 一切语言的应用和言语的交际总是限定在一定的语境范围之内,因此,语境对语言的语义、词语、结构形式以及语言风格等方面都会产生影响和制约作用。 同样一句话不同身份的人所表达的语义不同 例: I’m having class. 同一句话在不同的时间、地点、场合 例:Tom is like a fish. 汤姆很会游泳。 汤姆酒量很大。 语境的潜在语义 例:(Season 7, Episode 2) Phoebe: (To Chandler, under her breath) Break it off. Break it off now. 第七季剧情主要以Monica和Chandler 的结婚过程为主线, 而在整部10 季电视剧中可以了解到Monica 的个性, 她的“神经质”、好胜与偏执等特性常使其余5位老友无可奈何。 快跑,快溜 例:( Season 7, Episode 15) Joey: I talked to one of the DOOL writers. Monica: What is DOOL? Joey: Days of Our Lives. 《我们的日子》是剧中Joey 参演的一部电视连续剧, 此时他使用的DOOL是该剧片名的首字母缩略词, 可能经常应用于其剧组成员交流中, 而未被剧组外部成员所接受, 经Joey 解释之后, 人们才能理解何为DOOL。 排除语言中的歧义现象 一词多义 同形异义词 --- Let me drive you to the bank. 词义的转移 --- Please give me a camel. 英美英语的表达不同 --- Would you like to eat some crackers? 非语言因素 I thought that it was a Sunday morning in May; that it was Easter Sunday, and as yet very early in the morning. I was standing at the door of my own cottage. Right before me lay the very scene which could really be commanded from that situation, but exalted, as was usual, and solemnized by the power of dreams. There were the same mountains, and the same lovely valley at their feet; but the mountains were raised to more than Alpine height, and there was interspace far larger between them of meadows and forest lawns; the hedges were rich with white roses; and no living creature was to be seen except that in the green churchyard there were cattle tranquilly reposing upon the graves, and particularly round about the grave of a child whom I had once tenderly loved, just as I had really seen them, a little before sunrise in the same summ


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