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摘要 我国室内设计是一个朝气蓬勃的新兴行业,随着我国实行改革开放政策,经济快速增 长,城市建设迅速发展,人民生活水平不断提高,室内设计已初具规模。但是我国室内设 计要走向世界,与世界整体水平的差距还很明显,设计师的设计水平还处于较低的层次。 此外我国的室内装修行业之间缺乏交流,在一些领域处于落后水平,无论是理论还是实践 水平都需要进一步的发展,如设计过于古板,缺乏个性,简单的模仿他国的设计理念,没 有自身的文化特色等等。从目前家居设计创作与人们自身需求的关系上看,我们必须认清 现代家居装饰的发展趋势。 本文对我国室内装饰行业现状进行了分析,分析了目前我国现代家居装饰设计存在的 问题及未来方向,并对我国未来家居装饰的发展进行了预测,提出了低碳建材在家居装饰 中的应用。 关键词:现代家居;装饰设计;低碳材料 万方数据 ABSTRACT Interior design that is an emerging industry in China. With the implementation of Chinas reform and opening up policy, economic development, the development of urban construction, peoples living standards improve, interior design has formed a scale. There are have big gap between Chinese interior design and world’s; the designers design level is low. In China, the interior design companies lack of communication and cooperation. Interior design in some areas lagging behind the level of theory and practice, that needs further development, such as old- fashioned design, lack of personality, imitate other countries design, without its own cultural characteristics, etc. Creative home design from the current relationship with the people themselves demand point of view, we must recognize the trend of modern home decoration. In this paper, the status quo of Chinas interior decoration industry analysis, analysis of the current design of modern home decor problems and future directions, and the future development of our country home decor predicted proposed low-carbon building materials used in home decoration. Keywords: modern home; decorative design; carbon materials 万方数据 目录 引言 1 一、我国室内装饰行业现状 2



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