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体育比赛的胜负 除了常用的win表示“胜”和defeat, lose表示“负”以外,表示胜负的词还有: bow(屈服)、humiliate(使……丢脸)、rout(击溃、打垮)、topple(推翻)、upset(出人意料地击败对方)、beat (打败)、collet medals(摘取奖牌)、triumph over(击败、获胜)、lead(领先)、succeed(取得成功)、defend(保卫)等词。 如果是杯赛或团体赛,不能以一场比赛论胜负时,还可以用fight off(击退)、get by(勉强过关)、advance(前进)、salvage(挽救)、emerge(出线)、qualify(取得资格)、come back(恢复原有地位)、eliminate(淘汰)、dominate(占优势)、down(打败)等来表示胜负; 表示平局有draw、tie、even等词。 READING COMPREHENSION The European Football Championship has begun in Warsaw with an opening ceremony followed by the first match between Greece and the co-hosts Poland. The game ended in a 1-1 draw. In Wroc?aw, in southern Poland, Russia beat the Czech Republic 4-1. Games will also be played in Ukraine. Both Poland and Ukraine hope the tournament will be a showcase for their nations, but theres been controversy over racist football fans. READING COMPREHENSION What is the result of the game between Russia and the Czech Republic in the European Football Championship? A. a 1-1 draw B. 4-1 C. 1-0 Entertainment news 美国奥斯卡电影金像奖(Academy Awards)Oscar / The Academy Award 美国电视电影金球奖 Golden Globe Award 威尼斯国际电影节The Venice Film Festival. 柏林国际电影节Berlin International Film Festival 日本东京国际电影节 Tokyo International Film Festival 戛纳电影节 the Cannes Film Festival 艾美奖 Emmy Awards 葛莱美奖 Grammy Awards 百老汇Broadway 好莱坞Hollywood 美国偶像American Idol 英国达人Britains got talent 美国达人Americas Got Talent The nominations for next months Academy Awards have been announced in Hollywood. 下月奥斯卡金像奖提名在好莱坞宣布。 The American director Sofia Coppola has won the top prize at the Venice Film Festival. 美国导演索菲亚·科波拉(Sofia Coppola)获得了威尼斯电影节最高奖项。 Susan Boyle, the dowdy Scottish spinster whose mighty singing voice has catapulted her to global fame thanks to YouTube, won through to the next round of talent show Britains Got Talent Saturday. 其貌不扬的英国单身大妈苏珊.波伊尔于上周六在“英国达人”选秀比赛中成功晋级。此前,她的天籁之音被上传至YouTube网站,并因此在全球一举成名。 celebrity n. 名人 classical music 古典音乐 country music 乡村音乐 rock music 摇滚音乐 composer n. 作曲家 agent n. 经纪人 album n. 专辑


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