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咪达唑仑复合丙泊酚对ICU机械通气患者拔除气管插管后谵妄发生情况临床分析   【摘要】 目的 探?咪达唑仑、咪达唑仑复合丙泊酚治疗对重症监护病房(ICU)患者拔除气管插管后谵妄发生情况。方法 127例ICU接受机械通气同时需要镇静治疗的患者, 根据镇静剂使用方式分为咪达唑仑组(M组, 68例)及咪达唑仑复合丙泊酚过渡组(MP组, 59例), 两组咪达唑仑用量相同[先静脉注射2~3 mg, 继之以0.05 mg/(kgh)]静脉推泵维持。当患者血流动力学平稳, 呼吸机参数模式调整为CPAP/PSV模式, 压力支持8~10 cm H2O(1 cm H2O=0.098 kPa) 、潮气量400 ml、通气频率0.05)。结论 咪达唑仑复合丙泊酚治疗拔除气管插管后患者的谵妄发生率较低, 可缩短ICU滞留时间, 但复合丙泊酚后不能缩短谵妄持续时间 【关键词】 咪达唑仑;谵妄;丙泊酚;镇静 DOI:10.14163/j.cnki.11-5547/r.2016.33.049 Clinical analysis of midazolam combined with propofol for delirium in ICU mechanical ventilation patients after trachea cannula extubation LONG Yi-wen, ZHOU Wen-jun, YU Cong-yi. Luwan Branch Institute of Ruijin Affiliated Hospital of Shanghai Jiaotong University Medical School, Shanghai 200020, China 【Abstract】 Objective To investigate occurrence of delirium between midazolam and midazolam combined with propofol in intensive care unit (ICU) mechanical ventilation patients after trachea cannula extubation. Methods A total of 127 patients receiving ICU mechanical ventilation and sedation therapy were divided by their sedative administration measures into midazolam group (group M, 68 cases) and midazolam combined with propofol transitive group (group MP, 59 cases). Both groups received the same midazolam dosage [intravenous injection 2~3 mg followed by 0.05 mg/(kgh)] for venous pump maintenance. Respiratory ventilation parameter model was regulated to CPAP/PSV model when patients had stable hemodynamics, along with pressure support as 8~10 cm H2O (1 cm H2O=0.098 kPa), tidal volume 400 ml, breathing rate 0.05). Conclusion Combination of midazolam and propofol in treating delirium patients after trachea cannula extubation shows low incidence of delirium and shortened ICU stay time, while this method has no affect on shortening delirium duration.   【Key words】 Midazolam; Delirium; Propofol; Sedation 在ICU各种病因导致患者出现呼吸衰竭, 从而需要呼吸机机械辅助通气, 在接受机械通气时, 因存在原有基础疾病的困扰、疼痛、应激及被约束等因素, 常导致焦虑和躁动的发生, 给患者造成生理和心理的巨大痛苦。谵妄便是其中一种, 谵妄是指伴随意识、注意力、感知以


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