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小学临聘教师职业倦怠现状调查分析   摘 要 目的:了解小学临聘教师职业现状,为改善职业倦怠提供依据。方法:采用修订后的职业倦怠量表对云南省昆明市3所小学临聘教师115位临聘教师进行测评调查。结果:临聘教师情感的耗竭度高,人格解体和个人成就感降低次之。男教师的职业倦怠显著高于女教师;工龄在1年内的临聘教师职业倦怠程度低,工龄3年以上的临聘教师职业倦怠程度最高;具有离职意向的临聘教师职业倦怠程度显著增加。结论:临聘教师职业倦怠现象突出,男性、工龄大于3年、具有离职意向的临聘教师职业倦怠较严重 关键词 临聘教师 职业倦怠 调查 中图分类号:G451 文献标识码:A DOI:10.16400/j.cnki.kjdkz.2017.03.085 Investigation and Analysis on the Status quo of Occupational Burnout of Primary School Teachers LI Siyi[1][2], ZHANG Zhibi[3] ([1] School of Education Science and Management, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming, Yunnan 650500; [2] Kunming Guandu District Longma Central School, Kunming, Yunnan 650500; [3] Biomedical Engineering Research Center, Kunming Medical University, Kunming, Yunnan 650500) Abstract Objective: to understand the current situation of primary school teachers’ employment, and to provide evidence for improving job burnout. Methods: a revised job burnout scale was used to investigate 115 teachers in Kunming primary school in Yunnan Province, which were employed by the teachers in the past 3 years. Results: the degree of emotional exhaustion was high, depersonalization and personal accomplishment were reduced. The male teacher’s occupation burnout was significantly higher than that of female teachers; working in 1 years of temporary teachers occupation burnout degree is low, service for more than 3 years of the temporary appointment of teachers occupation burnout degree is the highest; could significantly increase the turnover intention of the temporary appointment of teachers occupation burnout. Conclusion: the phenomenon of job burnout of teachers is prominent, and the male and female students who have more than 3 years of service and have the intention to quit are more serious. Keywords temporary teachers; occupational burnout; investigation 0 引言 教??是一个特殊的职业,工作强度和压力大,常处于疲惫的状态――职业倦怠。教师职业倦怠是指“教师不能顺利应付工作的一种应激反应,是教师在长期压力体验下所产生的情绪、态度和行为的衰竭状态”,[1]主要表现在情绪枯竭、人格解体和成就感降低。[2]临聘教师,也叫编外教师、代课教师,是指学校中从事教学工作、但没有事业编制的


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