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(3)表转折关系的 but, while等。 (4)表因果关系的 for, so等。 (4)引导目的状语从句的 (5)引导让步状语从句的 (6)引导结果状语从句的 (7)引导比较状语从句的 (8)引导宾语从句的 2.in, on , at表示时间的区别 in 主要表达周、月、季节、年代;泛指上午、下午、晚上 on 主要表示具体的某一天,也可表示某一天的某个时候 at 表示某一时刻 Eg : _____six o’clock ____ half past five ____1996 /____ May , 2009 / _____ Spring / ____ the morning _____ Monday / _____May 4th , 2009 特殊: _____ the morning of 2009 / ______a winter afternoon 典型例题解析 【例4】 The mountain was_______steep ______few people in our city reached the top. [2003 吉林] A.as…as… B.so…that C.so…as D.too…to B ? 一、表示时间的介词: 1. in, after, later表示时间的区别 in +时间段, 用于将来时, 表示“过…后”; after+一段时间,用于过去时,表示“在…以后”; after +时间点, 用于将来时, 表示“在…以后” 时间段+ later Eg: An hour _____, he came back. He will come back _____ an hour . ______ an hour , he came back. later in After 3、for , since 表时间的区别 for + 一段时间 since + 时间点 / 句子 如:The boy has been in China____ a week . = The boy has been in China _____ a week ago . = The boy has been here ______ he came to China last week. 4、to ,past ,pass表时间的区别 for since since 二、表示地点的介词 1、above , over , on 在。。。上面 above 在。。。上方 (与物体表面不接触) over 在。。。正上方 (与物体表面不接触) on 在。。。上面 (与物体表面接触) Eg: There is a book ______the desk. The plane is flying ______ the cloud. There is a bridge ______ the river . 2、through , across, cross 穿过 Eg: He is walking ________ the street . = He is ___________ the street . The soldiers went __________ the forest . on above


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