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第 38 卷 第 7 期 岩 土 工 程 学 报 Vol.38 No.7 2016 年 .7 月 Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering July 2016 DOI :10.11779/CJGE201607021 挡土墙土压力研究的错误倾向 孙建生 (太原理工大学水利科学与工程学院,山西 太原 030024) 摘 要:针对目前挡土墙土压力研究的错误舆论倾向和学术影响普遍问题,以澄清挡土墙土场中土拱及土拱效应基本 力学概念为切入点,剖析沿主应力轨迹线建立的侧土压力系数随墙壁摩擦角的变化规律与经典库仑土压力系数规律悖 逆,指出两者的差异越大水平土压力分布曲线影响越大,这种差异的存在正是主应力土拱计算法自认为的土拱效应, 也正是其最大的谬误所在。根据微分层平衡条件导出的水平土压力分布计算公式数学原理,揭示了只要采用此方法又 得出土压力为曲线分布的任何理论,必然是悖逆经典土压力理论且存在前后土压力系数自相矛盾的谬论。 关键词:土压力;土拱;土拱效应;主应力轨迹;微分层;力矩平衡;挡土墙 中图分类号:TU432 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000 –4548(2016)07 –1324 –06 作者简介:孙建生(1958 – ) ,男,副教授,硕士生导师,主要从事水利工程结构及其抗振的教学与研究。E-mail : SJSD1053@163.com。 Error tendency for studying earth pressure on retaining walls SUN Jian-sheng (Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan 030024, China) Abstract : In view of the general problems of error tendency for studying the earth pressure on retaining wall, by clarifying the basic mechanical conceptions of soil arch and soil arching in soils of retaining wall, it is analyzed that the change laws of earth pressure coefficient based on the principal stress trajectory with the frictional angle between wall and backfill are contrary to those of the classical Coulomb ’s. The larger the difference between them is, the larger the effect of the horizontal earth pressure distribution. The existence of this difference is just the soil arching considered by the principal stress soil arch method, and it is the largest falsehood. According to the math ematical principle analysis of horizontal earth pressure distribution formula derived by differen


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