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世界前五十名女强人之一 全美最出色律师之一 第一夫人 美国国务卿 简介 姓名:希拉里·克林顿 性别:女 籍贯:美国 职业:美国联邦参议员 希拉里·克林顿可谓是人气最旺的女政客之一,除了在任职参议员备受好评外,更频频传出已被列为竞选2004年美国总统的大热门人选的传言。 大学时代的希拉里常因衣着朴素落伍而显得不合群,带着厚如瓶底的眼镜,自嘲:“瞎得像蝙蝠。”就算要嫁给英俊的比尔·克林顿那天,也改变不了她对打扮的无知——她母亲在婚礼将要举行时才发现希拉里这位准新娘连结婚礼服也没为自己准备。是丈夫竞选州长和总统后才让她摘掉眼镜、染了头发、穿上了得体的名牌套装。就在丈夫传出丑闻的日子里,她为自己建立的魅力形象也毫发无伤,以至于被美国的《VOUGE》看上,当上了封面女郎。 当丈夫参加美国总统竞选时,希拉里-克林顿刚过40岁,事业正处在巅峰时期,是美国最出色的律师之一,而为了丈夫的事业,她不得不结束自己的律师生涯,做起了备受瞩目却不断引起争议的美国第一夫人。 年轻时的希拉里也是一个美人啊 希拉里自述(值得我们学习的) I wasn’t born a first lady or a senator. I wasn’t born a Democrat. I wasn’t born a lawyer or an advocate for women’s rights and human rights. I wasn’t born a wife or mother. I was born an American in the middle of the twentieth century, a fortunate time and place. I was free to make choices unavailable to past generations of women in my own country and inconceivable to many women in the world today. I came of age on the crest of tumultuous social change and took part in the political battles fought over the meaning of America and its role in the world. My mother and my grandmothers could never have lived my life; my father and my grandfathers couldn’t have imagined it. But they bestowed on me the promise of America, which made my life and my choices possible. ??? My story began in the years following World War II, when men like my father who had served their country returned home to settle down, make a living and raise a family. It was the beginning of the Baby Boom, an optimistic time. The United States had saved the world from fascism, and now our nation was working to unite former adversaries in the aftermath of war, reaching out to allies and to former enemies, securing the peace and helping to rebuild a devastated Europe and Japan. Although the Cold War was beginning with the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, my parents and their generation felt secure and hopeful. American supremacy was the result not just of military might, but of our values and of the abundant opportunities available to peo


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