american modernism概要1.ppt

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american modernism概要1

Pound saw the West presenting a world of chaos, fragments and barbarism in the first years of the twentieth century. Considering it his mission to save a tottering civilization, he tried to derive standards from the cultures of the past and resurrect lost principles of order. It is easy to find the traits of Greek, Provencal, Latin, Anglo-Saxon poetic traditions in his poetic works. The greatest cultural influence over Pound came perhaps from ancient China, such as Confucius. Chinese poetry with its ideographic and pictographic language and colorful images also exerted a great influence over Pound’s creation. Comments on Ezra Pound Appreciation of the poem In a Station of the Metro by Ezra Pound In a Station of the Metro The apparition of these faces in the crowd; Petals on a wet, black bough. 人群中幽然浮现的一张张脸庞, 黝黑的湿树枝上的一片片花瓣。 The apparition of these faces in the crowd; Petals on a wet, black bough. Haiku: the first line contains 5 syllables, the 2nd line, 7 syllable, the 3rd line, 5 这几张脸在人群中隐现; 湿淋淋的黑树枝上的花瓣。 人群中这些面庞的闪现; 湿漉的黑树干上的花瓣。(赵毅衡) 这几张脸在人群中幻景般闪现; 湿漉漉的黑树枝上花瓣数点。(飞白) 人群中,这些面孔的鬼影; 潮湿的黑树枝上的花瓣。(余光中) 这些面孔浮现于人群; 花瓣潮湿的黑树枝(颜元叔) Q: What is your way to translate? Haiku俳句;三行俳句诗 Haiku is an ancient Japanese pattern. It is three lines of seventeen syllables separated into 5 syllables in the first line, 7 syllables in the second, and 5 in the last. But a haiku is much more than that. 俳句源于日本的连歌及俳谐两种诗歌形式,是日本的一种古典短诗,由十七字音组成。 俳句是日本的一种古典短诗,由十七字音组成。 它源于日本的连歌及俳谐两种诗歌形式。日本俳句比短歌要短,它分别由5、7、5个音节的句子组成。在俳句中,诗人力图运用优美而朴素的语言来描绘自然以表达他深切的感情。 “俳圣”松尾芭蕉 古池 闲寂古池旁, 青蛙跳进水中央, 扑通一声响。 俳句的妙处,是在攫住大自然的微光绮景,与诗人的玄思梦幻对应起来,造成一种幽情单绪,一种独在的禅味,从刹那间而定格永久。 ⅡModern fiction Jazz Age: F. Scott Fitzgerald Lost Generation:Ernest Hemingway Southern Literature:William Faulkner Black Literature Jewish Literature Women’s Literature 1. F. Scott Fitzgerald(1896~1940) He was essentially a 1920s person. His Tales of the Jazz Age gave its name to this


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