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美国哥特人 (American Gothic) ——格兰特。伍德 《American Gothic》 (美国哥特人) Artist Grand Wood Year 1930 Type Oil on beaverboard Location Art Institute of Chicago 格兰特·伍德 格兰特·伍德(Grant Wood,1892-1942年),美国画家。他的很多绘画作品逼真地描绘了他的故乡爱荷华州的平民和农村景象. 《美国哥特人》(American Gothic) American Gothic Gothic Architecture Gothic Painting Gothic Literature Gothic Music Gothic Film 哥特式建筑的结构 1、尖肋拱顶(Pointed Arch) 2、飞扶壁 (Flying Buttress) 3、花窗玻璃( Stained-glass windows ) 4、束柱 (beam-column) Gothic Painting Gothic Literature Their main topics are death(死亡), ghost(神鬼), reasoning(推理), massacre(血案), etc. Most of them have a strong color of terror(恐怖) 《Harry Potter》 Gothic Music Gothic Music Epica - Cry For The Moon Follow your common sense You cannot hide yourself Behind a fairytale forever and ever Only by revealing the whole truth can we disclose The soul of this sick bulwark forever and ever Forever and ever 忠诚于你的判断 不要再躲闪 永远隐匿在那童话式的梦幻之中 唯有借着揭露整个真相, 才可以永远将这羸弱不堪的城堡粉碎 永远永远… Indoctrinated minds so very often Contain sick thoughts And commit most of the evil they preach against 那些被灌输了的脑袋 传染着病态的念想 欲拒还迎的干着万恶的勾当 ………… Gothic Film * * 兰特。伍格德(1892-1942) Fame : 名声;名望 Interpretation : 阐释;说明 Solemn : 庄严的;严肃地 Capture one’s attention : 吸引某人的注意 rise to fame : 成名 Grant Wood instantly rose to fame in 1930 with his painting American Gothic, an often-copied interpretation of the solemn pride of American farmers. The painting shows a serious-looking man and a woman standing in front of a farmhouse. 1930年,格兰特·伍德因其画作《美国哥特人》一举成名。此画体现了美国农民庄严的自豪,常常被人复制。 画面展示了一位神色严肃的男子和一位女子站立在农舍之前。 He was strongly influenced by medieval artists and inspired by the Gothic window of an old farmhouse, but the faces in his composition were what captured the world‘s attention. 伍德深受中世纪艺术家的影响,他的灵感来自于一所古老农舍的哥特式窗户,但最令世界注目的是画中人物的脸。 Grave :严肃的;严重的;担忧的 Dentist :牙科医生 Alongside :和…..在一起;在…..旁边 Portrait :肖像;画像 Wood liked to paint faces he know well .For the grave farmer he used his dentist, a so


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