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Angel Cupid 一直被人们喻为爱情的象征,相传他是一个顽皮的、身上长着翅膀的小神,他的箭一旦插入青年男女的心上,便会使他们深深相爱。在古希腊神话中,他是爱与美的女神(阿芙罗狄忒)Aphrodite与战神阿瑞斯的小儿子Eros。在罗马神话中,他叫丘比特(Cupid),他的母亲女神(阿芙罗狄忒)Aphrodite在罗马神话中叫维纳斯。 The origin of Angel 天使,其英文名称Angel,源自于希腊文angelos=使者。天使,在希伯来文中为「使者」,波斯文中为「密使」,希腊文原意亦为「使者」 (messenger) 。 Theology An immortal, spiritual being attendant upon God. In medieval angelology, there are nine orders of spiritual beings. From the highest to the lowest in rank, they are: seraphim, cherubim, thrones, dominations or diminions, virtues, powers, principalities, archangels, and angels. 【神学】 天使,神的使者:侍从上帝的不死的精灵。在中世纪的天使学中,天使分为九个级别,按等级从最高到最低依次是:炽爱天使,普智天使,宝座天使,统治天使,美德天使,制权天使,天使长,大天使和天使 形象特征: 天使是为了侍奉高次元的神而诞生的灵体生物,或是协助神惩罚违背神谕的人,使神的意旨能够被服从。换句话说,天使就像是神在人间的终端机,因此天使常以是有双翼、光辉闪亮的姿态出现,但有时也有以武装型态出现。在神殿或迷宫里,经常会有天使出现的记录,记录中天使大都是无实体的灵体,也就是说天使以实体出现的例子相当少。 天使以穿著铠甲型态出现,是因为天使在面临战斗之际,会将自己的身体硬化以保护自己,或改变成其它形状,因此他们所携带的盾或武器,是以自身的一部份变形而成的。 Image features: Angel is to serve the high dimensional god and the birth of a spirit creature, or assist god punish against the oracle, the decree of the god can be obeyed. In other words, the angel like god in human terminal, so the angel with wings, often there is a light shining attitude appear, but sometimes also have to appear armed type. In the temple or the maze, often will have the angels appeared record, record the angel is mostly disembodied spirit, that is to say the angel to entity appear very little example. Angel to wear armor type appear, because in the face of an angel fight, will your body hardening to protect themselves, or change into other shape, so they carry a shield or weapons, itself is a part of deformation. On behalf of all constellation angels name 白羊座Aries——能天使玛琪迪尔(Malahidiel) 金牛座Taurus——力天使阿斯莫代(Asmodel) 双子座Gemini——主天使安布利(Ambiel) 巨蟹座Cancer——力天使穆列(Manuel) 狮子座Leo——力天使费切尔(Verchiel) 处女座virgo——能天使哈马列(Hamaliel) 天秤座libra——主天使乌列(Zuriel) 天蝎座Scorpio——力天使巴比尔(Barbiel) 射手座Sagittarius——力天使安德切尔(Adnachiel) 摩羯座Capricorn——力天使哈尼尔(Haniel) 水瓶座Aquarius——能天使加百利(Gabriel) 双鱼座


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