bec speaking 资料3概要1.ppt

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bec speaking 资料3概要1

BEC Speaking 课上资料(3) 重点练习:Why am I the person you Must hire. (not BEC exam area) - Who am I What achievements and experiences 1 minute Part III: Discussion Part III 要点 Comprehensive understanding Effective presentation Interactive communication 看懂题目 ?有效表达 ?注意互动 Part III 执生结构(幼儿园水平) A阐述背景情况,并提问(两句话) B提出观点(一句话),阐述理由(两句话) A附和并提出自己观点(一句话),阐述理由(两句话) B提问(一句话) A提出观点(一句话),阐述理由(两句话) B附和并阐述自己观点(一句话),阐述理由(两句话) A下决定(一句话) B支持决定(一句话)。 注意使用互动 Partner like 黄蓉 Interrupt! (为了提供样本) 打断时可考虑加入人名 Partner like 小龙女 Encourage! What do you think? Do you agree? What’s your opinion? Gesture! Partner like 李莫愁 坚持就是胜利~ Partner like 周伯通 Pull him back! Maintain the structure - DIY 了解拓展方式 Part III解构 A: When considering a supplier, I think we must consider the price of products first. (表明观点) We would rather choose those who offer us a favorable price. (正说阐述观点) 或 We would not choose those who offer us a fancy price. (反说阐述观点) B: Yes, I totally agree because only if we get the supply at a lower price can we make profits. (同意并说明原因) B: Well, another important thing we should consider is reliability (引出另一个观点) A: Absolutely.(表示同意) We should choose those who always deliver their goods on time or those who can ensure the quality of goods.(正说加强观点) 或:We would never choose those who always deliver their goods late or those who can’t ensure the quality of goods. (反说加强观点) B: Right. Late delivery may bring a heavy loss to us, and quality is the lifeline of a business or we may lose our clients. (同意并说明原因) What’s more, I think we should also consider the location of the supplier. (引出另一个观点) Do you agree? (征询意见) A: I’m afraid no. In my opinion, the location is not the problem. If they can offer us a rock-bottom price, we would still choose them. (表示不同意并给出理由) 掌握考试技巧 如何插话 (Sorry to interrupt you…) If I could just make a point here… Could I make a suggestion? 如何防止插话 Just one sec please. 1.开始一个论点: Let’s start with… Shall we begin with… ***, would you like to take off? ***, do you know that … 2.限定讨


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