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16 1 Vol116 No11 2 0 0 1 3 HEBEI JOURNAL OF FORESTRY AND ORCHARD RESEARCH M ar. 2001 : 1007-4961( 2001) 01-000 1-06 要统筹解决西北和华北地区干旱缺水问题 袁嘉祖 ( , 100083) : / 0 , , , 2015 , , , , , : ; ; : F 3231 213 : A THE PROBLEMS OF DROUGHT AND WATER SHORTAGE IN NORTH WEST CHINA AND WORTH CHINA SHOULD BE OVERALL SOLVED YUAN Jiazu ( Beij ing Ferestry University , Beij ing 100083) Abstract: To count r th vi wpoint of som xp rts that Northw st China is not short of wa- t r and that chann lling wat r from South to North is only to r li v wat r shortag in North China, th incoordination b tw nwat r r sourc and th distributions of population, cult-i vat d lands and min ral r sourc s in China is analyz d in this pap r. Global warming will mak th drought in North China continu to 2015, wh n drought and wat r shortag in Northw st China will b mor s rious than in North China. Th r for , co- nviornm nt construction and d v lopm nt in w st China is urg d for wat r from th South. Chann lling wat r from South is th n d of rationally allocations of wat r r sourc s and social stabiliza- tion. Qrawing wat r through th Grand w st chann l lin is th only way to ov rall solv th probl m of drought and wat r shortag in North China. This pap r also points out that th d v lopm nt of wat r and l ctricity in Southw rt China should b carri d out synchronismly with wat r drawing through th Grand w st chann l lin . Key wor s: wat r r sourc ; wat r shortag in North China; ov rall solution , , , : 2001- 01- 03 : ( 1930- ) , ,


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