
水利工程与岩土环境工程的相关关系 - 水土保持通报.PDFVIP

水利工程与岩土环境工程的相关关系 - 水土保持通报.PDF

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水利工程与岩土环境工程的相关关系 - 水土保持通报

20 2 V ol. 20 No. 2 2000 4 Bulletin of Soil a nd Wa ter Co nserv ation Apr. , 2000   崔中兴, 仵彦卿, 丁卫华 ( , 710048)   , , ,。、 , ,,、 ,, 。    A        1000- 288X( 2000) 02- 0057 - 03       TV 22 3 Relationship Between Water Conservancy Engineering - and Geo environment Engineering CU I Zhong-xi ng, W U Yan-qing , DIN G Wei-hua (X i an University of Technolog y , X i an , 710048, PRC ) Abstract The b alance of o riginal natural envi ro nment w ill certainly be broken duri ng constructio n of w at er conservancy engineeri ng. Simultaneously, the balanced system in co nst ru ction region w ill be interfered. The const ruction results in the unstablility of regional geology st ruct ure, so stable issue of g eo-envi ro nment i s caused. T he relev ant relation bet w een environm ental eff ect and w ater con servancy engi neering , the relation bet w een w at er conservancy engineeri ng and unfav orable facto rs are analyzed , and sugg ests th at deep and detailed investig atio n and research w orks f or g eo-technical env iro nment engineering should be carried out , so as t o overcome unfavorable f actors and enlarge the environmental ef fect s during the process of desig n, const ruction as w ell as the manag ement of co nst ru ction. Keywords water conservancy; geo-environment engineering; environmental effect   , 。 、。 66. 5 m 1959 ,, ; 265 m, , 7 22. 5


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