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題目發展(item development) 一 、試題的編製 ,是一種 social encounter ,創造社會意義與獲得文化瞭解。語言文字是重 要媒介。是將研究者的研究概念 (潛在變項),藉由具體化題目表徵及反映出來。題目的用 字遣詞及閱讀困難度都要斟酌考量。 (一)情境 :特例或一般 :考試焦慮 、內控、憂鬱 (二)時間(time frame)的清晰化 (三)Redundancy (至少1.5 倍,DeVellis, 1991) :題目會因加總而強化 例:「我會竭盡所能 ,以確保我的孩子能出人頭地」 「為幫助我的孩子成功 ,任何犧牲都是值得的」 *發展量表的指導原則 :(吳齊殷譯, 民88 ) (一)清楚界定所要測量的概念。以locus of control 為例,要具體化到何種程度才算適當? Rotter (1966) Internal-External Scale ,是從個人控制到外部因素的單向度測量 。Levenson (1973) 則發展出自我、具權力他人 、機會或命運三個面向的控制場域 。並請清楚區分所要 測量之概念和其他概念間的交疊 ,如憂鬱症狀的量表CESD(Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression) 中含有身心症的問題。反過來看,有些看似相似的題目 ,也可能在測不 同的構念。 (二)建立題庫 。要有足夠的問題 ,並考量清晰度與閱讀程度 。 (三)決定測量的形式 (四)請專家評估 二 、使用字眼Question Wording Any, anybody, anyone, anything, Fair, Just You, Often * Words as cues: 最小memory * Emotional content: supreme court, Communist The question: Simple sentence V.S. long: better memory 否定句V.S. 負向題:所代表的同意程度之強度並不相同 ,如討厭不等同於不喜歡 。 避免雙重否定(double negatives)如不應當禁止火化嗎?及雙重重複問題 (double-barrelled questions) ,如你用有腳踏車或摩托車? Fowler (1995)一書中列出七個原則 ,很值得參考: Principle 1: The strength of survey research is asking people about their firsthand experiences: What they have done, their current situations, their feelings and perceptions. Principle 1a: Beware of asking about information that is only acquired secondhand. Principle 1b: Beware of hypothetical questions. Principle 1c: Beware of asking about causality. Principle 1d: Beware of asking respondents about solutions to complex problems Principle 2: Ask one question at a time. Principle 2a: Avoid asking two questions at once. Principle 2b: Avoid questions that impose unwarranted assumptions Principle 2c: Beware of questions that include hidden contingencies. Principle 3: A survey question should be worded so that every respondent is answering the same question. Principle 3a: To the extent possible, the words in questions should be chosen so that all respondent


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