waste gas cooling system 烟气冷却系统skirt 裙罩movable.doc

waste gas cooling system 烟气冷却系统skirt 裙罩movable.doc

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waste gas cooling system 烟气冷却系统skirt 裙罩movable

integrated compact mill = ICM (奥钢联)短流程钢厂(包括Corex or DR plant, oxygen plant, Conroll plant, lime plant integrated facilities) air bubble 气泡 alloy /additive socket 合金添加料承口 alloy wire 合金丝(炼钢用喂丝料) amorphous 无定形的, 不定形的 batcher module 分批加料装置?(乌克兰) bleeder 放散管 bleeder valve 放散阀 bleed off stack 放散烟囱 blowing process 吹炼过程 boom       推杆 bundled wire tendon 桡性螺栓 canopy hood 烟罩 collapsed lining with frozen steel 塌炉冻钢 common closure systems: 通用的挡渣系统 slag ball 挡渣球 slag dart 挡渣棒 slag stopper 挡渣器 slag slide gate 挡渣滑动水口 converter 转炉 mouth 炉口 upper cone 炉帽 cylindrical section 圆柱段 lower cone 下锥段 bottom 炉底 DDD 铁水三脱(脱硅脱硫脱磷)预处理法(不锈钢冶炼前工序) Hot metal treament = Desiliconization of the hot metal during reladling of the hot metal from the torpedo car into the hot metal transfer ladle. Separation of slag from hot metal at slag skimming station and desulphurization at the powder injection then separation of slag. Desulphurization and dephosphoriza


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