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石窟壁画资源库及敦煌研究数字资源保障体系之探讨 on the
Digital Dunhuang: A Case Study for Digital Preservation and Digital Asset Management Peter Zhou UC Berkeley PNC Annual Meeting, Berkeley, December 7-9, 2012 从多个角度演绎了敦煌及莫高窟的形成与发展,推动了社会各界对敦煌的持续关注。 纪录片《敦煌》央视 2010年 以精美的壁画和彩塑闻名于世 以精美的壁画和彩塑闻名于世 还有藏经洞出土的大量珍贵文物,记录了一个精彩的整体文明 二、敦煌艺术所面临的挑战与解决之路 人们渴望了解敦煌精彩的艺术, 但不断提高的观众求知热情,与不堪重负的莫高窟, 也凸显出弘扬与保护之间的突出矛盾。 Teams that have worked on Dunhuang Project Dunhuang Academy The Getty Conservation Institute Northwestern University Zhejiang University Other universities and research institutions in China and elsewhere in the world Functional Requirements A platform for storing current and future content Permanent preservation of large files of varying formats, texts or images Delivery of content globally Components DAM Facilitate asset creation, cataloging, image, video, and text file management and delivery, version control, and track digital preservation actions. Push metadata and content to the Digital Dunhuang platform. Manages master high resolution files and original documents Digital Preservation Managed digital preservation actions include creating checksums, validating files, and extracting technical metadata upon ingest; monitoring file format obsolescence; migrate file formats; tracking and copying files to LTO tapes Digital Dunhuang database (subscribed/licensed) Institutional subscription of images, video, articles, manuscripts, rare books, documents, and other publications related to Dunhuang Studies. Surrogates of master assets managed in the DAM will be pushed for external delivery to this system Content Categories Stitched/composite cave images Raw cave images Cave QTVRs Historical photos Videos Digital restorations Manuscripts from Cave 17 (ca. 400 mss) Artifacts (approximately 10,000 objects) Reproductions (copies) of images in caves Microfilm of manuscripts (digitized) Interactive panoramic of caves Research created by members of the Dunhuang Academy Scholars research publications: current Sch
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