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Intricate ∕intrik?t∕ Having a lot of different parts and small details that fit together.错综复杂的 An intricate network of loyalties and relations. 忠诚与义气构成的盘根错节的网络。 Array ∕?rei∕ A group or collections of things or people, often one that is large or impressive.大堆,大群,大量 A vast array of bottles of different shapes and sizes. 一批形状大小不一的瓶子 * Eye Contact The importance of eye contact Eyes : the windows of the soul The quickest way to establish a communicative bond with your listeners is to look them in the eye , personally and pleasantly. It is not enough just to look at your listeners; how you look at them also counts. structure words Gauge ∕geid?∕ To make a judgment about sth , especially people’s feelings or attitudes.判定,判断(尤指人的感情或态度) They interviewed employees to guage their reaction to the changes. 他们与雇员谈判以判定他们的应变能力。 gaze ∕geiz∕ a long steady look at sb/sth凝视,注视 He met her gaze.他与她凝视的目光相遇 Perceive ∕p?si:v∕ To understand or think of sb/sth in a particular way 将…理解为,将…视为;认为 This discovery was perceived as a major breakthrough. 这一发现被视为一项重大突破。 Disconcert ∕disk?ns?:t∕ to make sb feel anxious, confused, embarrassed 使不安,使困惑,使尴尬 Disconcerting 使人困惑的,使人尴尬的 She had the disconcerting habit of saying exactly what she thought. 她怎么想就怎么说的这种习惯令人非常难堪。 Bewilder ∕biwild? ∕ to confuse sb 使困惑,使糊涂 Bewildered 困惑的 He turned around, with a bewildered look on his face. 他转过身来,满脸困惑。 *


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