Famous Chinese Scenic Spots中国著名景点概要1.ppt

Famous Chinese Scenic Spots中国著名景点概要1.ppt

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Famous Chinese Scenic Spots中国著名景点概要1

(Para.3)Hand in hand Micha, my interpreter, and I walk to the protruding spit of rock... Translation:我和我的翻译米查手挽手向那块突的岩石走去。 Analysis: Hand in hand is an adverbial phrase to modify the act of “walk to the protruding spit of rock”. Examples of similar construction are: arm in arm, shoulder to shoulder, face to face. Example: Hand in hand the old couple have lived together for nearly 60 years. ? (Para.4)Below me mountain peaks, wreathed in patches of fog, rise sheer adv. 完全;陡峭地 into the skies. Analysis: Wreathed包围;覆盖...is a past participle phrase, used to modify “mountain peaks”. Sheer here is an adverb, meaning “straight up or down”. Translation:在我脚下是云雾环绕的山峰,直冲云霄。 Example: The summit, covered with snow, is blazing under the sun. ? (Para.4)Here I stand, on the rock where many thought they were leaping into paradise and I shiver. Translation:此时我站在岩石上,许多人都曾认为他们会从这里跳进天堂,而卧却在发抖。 Analysis:Wroduces a relative clause,modifying “rock”. Here in the clause “many” refers to “many people”,and “many thought”is the sub-main clause taking its object clause “they were leaping into...”. Example:I went to the department store,where I thought I bought the most fashionable blouse. P148—1 Checking your understanding 1. According to the passage , Emei Mountain is foggy c in December. 2 . The Mountain peaks are where Golden Summit is located a. 3. “Golden Summit ” is the best place to find conifers d. 4. It can be said that the writer is determined to climb Emei Moutain b. 5. Climbing all the way to “Golden Summit ” requires strong willpower b . P150--5 Translate the following sentences into English using the given words. 1.Social and political ties bind the USA to Britain. 2. She knew at once that he was concealing something from her. 3. Intensive negotiation between the main parties preceded the vote. 4. The party won an overwhelming victory last May. P150--5 Translate the following sentences into English using the given words. 5. The Christmas tree is decorated w


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