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Make a self-introduction 1.Name 2.Family 3.Graduation (I graduated from…) 4. Interests/ Likes: 5. Character (I’m a person who…) 6. 我的宏伟目标是 ______. 7. 为了实现目标,我将______. About English Do you like English? Do you think it difficult? why? Is learning English a big challenge(挑战) or a piece of cake?(小菜一碟) In fact, learning English is interesting! 麻豆? 秀? PK? 败东西? RAP Read more Ask more Practise more Make a self-introduction 1.Name 2.Family 3.Graduation (I graduated from…) 4. Interests/ Likes: 5. Character (I’m a person who…) 6. 我的宏伟目标是 ______. 7. 为了实现目标,我将______. # I like____________ I’m fond of ____________ My interests/favorite/hobbies are _____ I’m into __________ 麻豆就是模特的意思 model的谐音,很好 理解吧!随着互联网飞 速发展,麻豆已经日 趋成为服装,化妆品 等女性店铺不可或缺 的员工。 秀源于英文show ,表示展示 在CS游戏引伸出来的名词 PK=Player Kill 败就是英语单词buy的音译, 因为汉语有败家子的说法, 所以败还有乱花钱的意思 你二啊! You clown! 低调 Keep it down. 我晕 You are killing me. 无语 What the heck? 得瑟 You think you pretty cool, huh! The importance of learning English English a tool/ bridge Science and technology culture customs Trade/ transportation travelling Further study well-paid job Learning English is like building a house. Laying a solid foundation is the first and most important step. In other words, you should read and speak English every day. Memorizing new words and phrases is a must. Like building a house, learning English takes some time because Rome isn’t built in a day. So don’t be impatient. Rome was not built in a day. What to do? 1. Have a clear goal and be well motivated! 2. Be confident! 3.Be brave while facing difficulties and never give up! 4.Teamwork and peer learning. Characteristics of Senior English 高中英语的特点 Large vocabulary long sentence long passage 词汇量设置: 七级:2400~2500 (Module 1- 5) 八级:3500 (Module 1- 8) 九级:4500 (Module 1-11) 高中阶段要完成30万字的阅读量; 阅读速度要求每分钟70-80词 1.Learn to use dictionarie


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