Fish 第三课时 Unit1_Friendship reading and Comprehending.ppt

Fish 第三课时 Unit1_Friendship reading and Comprehending.ppt

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Imagine you have to go into hiding like Anne and her family. What would you miss most? Give your reason Homework 2. How did Anne feel about nature before she and her family hid away? Before she and her family hid away, she took nature for granted(理所当然), but now she appreciate its beauty and majesty(雄伟). 3. Why do you think her feelings changed towards nature? Because she was no longer able to go out as she pleased because she is in hiding. Losing freedom has made her feel more excited about good and beautiful things around her. 4. Why did Anne no longer just like looking at nature out of the window? Because she did not want to be a “prisoner” in the hiding place any longer. She wanted to live a normal life again. How would you describe Anne’s feeling as she was looking out at the night sky? l_____ sad frightened f_____ hopeless/helpless lonely s_____ hopes to experience n_____ and f_______ h_____ nature freedom/friendship * * * Unit 1 Friendship Reading upset ignore calm concern adj. 心烦意乱的;不安的; vt. 使不安;使心烦 vt. 不理睬;忽视 vt. vi. (使)平静; (使)镇定 adj. 平静的; 镇定的 vt. (使)担忧;涉及;关系到 n. 担心;关注; (利害)关系 Words preview add up calm (…) down have got to be concerned about walk the dog 合计 (使)平静下来; (使)镇定下来 不得不; 必须 关心; 挂念 遛狗 Phrases preview Pre-reading 1.Why do you need friends? Make a list of reasons why friends are important to you. 2. Does a friend always have to be a person? What else can be your friend? 3.? Skim the first paragraph of the reading passage below and find who was Anne’s best friend. We need friends because we want to share. We need friends because we need somebody who will always be there with us when we fall into bad time. We need friends because we want to enjoy being in a group. Friends We hate loneliness and family alone cannot make us feel in a group. For that we need friends. We need friends, because we want to let somebody know about our deepest thoughts, our ideas, and our real emotions. Only a good friend can help us share all these. Sa


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