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* * Different perspectives and case 不同观点与案例 屈米认为拉·维莱特虽然名为“公园”,其实是一种新类型的城市,是“巴黎最大的不连贯城区”。他运用一种秩序系统控制大尺度空间,让景观成为一种容纳和安排复杂城市活动的媒介。 Tschumi thinks that the La Villette park is not only the Park but also a new type of city. It is the incoherent largest city of Paris. He used the system to control large-scale space . And he made the landscape become a medium which can accommodate and arrange the complex urban activities. Different perspectives and case 不同观点与案例 同时,拉·维莱特公园是开放的,与城市之间没有明显的隔断,从而达成两者的相互交融。 Meanwhile, the La Villette park is open. The park isn’t cut off with cities. So they can blend with each other Different perspectives and case 不同观点与案例 拉维莱特公园中游人丰富多彩的活动 Activities Thank you for your attention ! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Basic concept 基本概念 Conversion scale 转换尺度 景观都市主义的一个重要议题就是如何沟通不同的尺度?如何让设计在各种尺度都起作用,并向使用者提供关于城市的暗示。 Landscape Urbanism has an important issue that is how to communicate with different scales? How to make design work in a variety of scales, and provide the user with the implication of the city . 成果显示,凭借景观自身处理大尺度动态系统的能力,可以提供城市现实中不同等级、不同尺度之问比较的可能性。 The results show that by their capabilities of large-scale dynamic systems processing, landscape can provide the possibility of comparison between different levels, different scales of urban reality. 不同的设计实践都有与之相配的一系列方法,它使建筑的尺度跨越室内及室外;城市的尺度超越了规划层面;景观的尺度也不限于特定的场地,包含了多重的生态系统。 There are matching range of approaches for different design practice, which makes the scale of buildings across the indoor and outdoor; urban scale beyond the planning level; the landscape scale is not limited to a specific site, and it contains multiple ecosystems. Basic concept 基本概念 Conversion scale 转换尺度 勒菲弗,他引入了“过渡尺度”的概念,作为调和“私密尺度”和“公共尺度”的工具。 Henri Lefebvre, He introduced the concept of transition scale, as a tool to reconcile intimate scale and public scale. Basic concept 基本概念 Different 景观都市主义的不同之处 景观取代建筑作为基本单元来应对干扰,获得缓冲。 Instead of architecture , landscape deal with the int


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