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French colonial empire What is colony? 殖民地(旧称植民地)是指由宗主国统治,没有政治、经济、军事和外交方面的独立权利,完全受宗主国控制的地区。 In politics and history, a colony is a territory under the immediate political control of a state, distinct from the home territory of the sovereign. 这里我把英语网站发给你,术语太多,有点复杂 在19至20世纪初,它成为了仅次大英帝国的第二大殖民帝国。 background 16世纪,随着航海家韦拉扎诺及卡蒂亚开拓了航线后,法国渔民便开始在纽芬兰一带航行,这样就揭开了法兰西殖民地扩张的序幕 backgrounds Excursions of Giovanni da Verrazzano and Jacques Cartier in the early 16th century, as well as the frequent voyages of French boats and fishermen to the Grand Banks off Newfoundland throughout that century, were the precursors to the story of Frances colonial expansion. In the middle of the 18th century, a series of colonial conflicts began between France and Britain, which ultimately resulted in the destruction of most of the first French colonial empire and the near complete expulsion of France from the Americas. These wars were the War of the Austrian Succession (1744–1748), the Seven Years War (1756–1763), the War of the American Revolution (1778–1783), the French Revolutionary Wars (1793–1802) and the Napoleonic Wars (1803–1815). This cyclic conflict is known as the Second Hundred Years War. 西班牙在北美一带的垄断,以及法国在一系列战争中失利所造成的损失,都使得法国有必要建立殖民地帝国。 The French colonial empire in the Americas comprised New France (including Canada and Louisiana), French West Indies (including Saint-Domingue, Guadeloupe, Martinique, St. Lucia, Tobago and other islands) and French Guyana. In Senegal in West Africa, the French began to establish trading posts along the coast in 1624. In 1664, the French East India Company was established to compete for trade in the east. With the decay of the Ottoman Empire, in 1830 the French seized Algiers, thus beginning the colonization of French North Africa. 第二次世界大战期间,法兰西殖民帝国逐渐分解,当中大部份都为他国所占领(如日本占领印度支那,英国占据了叙利亚、黎巴嫩及马达加斯加,英美联合占有摩洛哥及阿尔及利亚,德国抢夺了突尼斯)。但不久后,由戴高乐重新控制这些地方。 第二次世界大战结束后,尽管法国是战胜国,然而这无法掩饰法国国力衰退的事实,而在法国各殖民地兴起的非殖民地化运动浪潮影响,纷纷走向独立建国之路,这使得法国的殖民帝国面临严重挑战,虽然法国试图尝试继续维持殖民地的统治,但各地反抗独


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