英语3 CYI Love for Parents.ppt

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英语3 CYI Love for Parents

Read the following groups of sentences, paying close attention to the different meanings of each coloured word. Then choose the most proper meaning from the choices given. B CA BAC ABC BA Study the word formation rules first and then complete each of the following sentences with the correct form of a word listed in the Example column. encouraged wooden enlarge darken golden endangering (has) strengthened enrich Complete the following sentences and see how much you know about Father’s Day. Match each of the following words with its Chinese equivalent. Scan the text and find information to complete the table. Scan the text and find information to complete the table. Read the text again and decide whether each of the following statements is true (T) or false (F). Correct the false one(s). T F F T T F Tick the choice which is the closest in meaning to the coloured part in each of the following sentences. Imagine that it is Father’s Day tomorrow, what are you planning to do? Exchange the ideas with your group members and then report to the class. If you decide to send your dad/mum a card, what would you like to write? Design a card and write down the words you want to tell him/her. 语 言 知 识 单词 1.学生用书词汇表中的words for production, 要求学生能作到听说读写。 2. 学生用书词汇表中的words for recognition, 要求学生能只作到认知。对于基础较好的同学,也可以要求掌握读写(尤其是没有星号的词)。 词组 shed tears go back to in honour of bring along as well as mix with such as protect... from put into action act as play a part (in sth.) apart from pass away 表达法 keep going have the day off persuade sb. to do... die in childbirth MEMORY CHECK 语言技能 读 1.能根据图片预测课文的大意。 2. 能运用略读、跳读技巧获取信息。 3. 能运用根据语境猜测词义的技巧和其他的词汇记忆策略。 4. 能掌握通过表格记录所读文章的特定信息的技巧,即阅读中的信息转换技能。 5. 能根据文中内容判断信息的正误。 6. 能了解文章的组织结构和事件的发展顺序。 写 1.练习把阅读材料中提炼出的思想用自己的语言来表达。 2.练习在写作后进行自评和修改。 MEMORY CHECK 学习策略 1.能有目的地使用学习策略,如把相似的语言表达法进行归类整理。 2.总结所接触语言材料中的语言规律并加以应用。 3.能在任务的完成过程中有效地借助图表。 4.初步学习对自己的学习作评价。 5



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