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Section C Building Up More Skills 知识拓展—语序调整 语序调整 (二)语序: 1.根据时间顺序调整语序 例:【原文】 The boy, who was crying as if his heart would break, said, when I spoke to him, that he was very hungry, because he had not had food for two days. 【译文】 小男孩哭得好像心都碎了,当我问他怎么回事,他说他已经两天没吃 东西,非常饿。 Section C Building Up More Skills 知识拓展—语序调整 语序调整 (二)语序: 2.根据逻辑顺序调整语序 例:【原文】 你有什么需要,只管来找我。 【译文】 Do not hesitate to come when you need help. Section C Building Up More Skills 知识拓展—语序调整 语序调整 (二)语序: 3.根据信息重心调整语序 例:【原文】 The skill with which birds find their way home has often been demonstrated by homing pigeons, but the longest journeys have been made by ocean birds. A Manx Shearwater, taken to Boston, USA, covered 3,050 miles back to its nest in Wales in twelve days. 【译文】 鸟类这种识途归巢的本领,我们已经从通信鸽的身上经常看到了。 但飞过最远航程的是海鸟。有一只曼克斯海鸥,被带到美国波士顿后, 用了12天时间,飞越3050英里,终于回到它在英国威尔士的老巢。 Unit 2 Translation of Advertising Texts Unit 2 Translation of Advertising Texts Project Seven Letters of Acceptance 项目七 接受函翻译 能力目标与知识目标 能进行商务接受函的翻译。 掌握商务接受函的有关知识和翻译方法。 Lead-in Reading 阅读与欣赏 Song: My Heart Will Go On Every night in my dreams I see you, I feel you. That is how I know you go on. Far across the distance and spaces between us You have come to show you go on. Near, far, wherever you are, I believe that the heart does go on. Once more, you open the door And you’re here in my heart, And my heart will go on and on. …… Lead-in Reading 阅读与欣赏 【中译文欣赏】 我心永恒 每天夜里我梦见你,感觉到你。 就这样我知道你还在我心上。 穿越你我之间的距离和空间, 你来告诉我你还在我心上。 是远,是近,不管在哪里, 我相信这心将永恒。 再一次,你打开这扇门, 你来到我的心里, 我的心将永恒,永恒。 …… Section A Work Task 工作任务 2007年3月,江苏华泰集团外贸部钟平经理收到客户Jon的接受函,要求商务助理将此译成汉语. From English to Chinese英译汉 背景介绍 Section A Work Task 工作任务 文 本 March 22, 2007 TO: Mr. Zhong Thanks for your prompt reply and the fine price you made us for the oil cooler (Item No. 890). We confirm the order as enclosed and we will have the goods delivered to Associated Cargo Express Ltd. on or before April 20th. Our freight rates ar


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