英语选修6外研版Module 4江西课件PPT:Period Ⅲ.ppt

英语选修6外研版Module 4江西课件PPT:Period Ⅲ.ppt

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英语选修6外研版Module 4江西课件PPT:Period Ⅲ

●教学目标 重点词汇的理解与语法的掌握。 ●课标解读 (1)熟记学案中所列出的单词和短语。 (2)通过学案中所给出的重点单词和重点短语的学习,让学生能够正确理解和使用这些单词和短语,能够运用这些词语造句。 (3)通过对语法的教学让学生能够理解并能够运用这些语法知识,能够准确运用动词的一般时态。 ●新课导入建议 通过对学生作业的检查导入本堂新课。 1.All contributions are voluntary,_no one has to pay, but the crowd shrinks as some people slide away. (P49)所有的捐献都是自愿的,没有人非掏钱不可,但是随着一些人悄悄走开,人群一下缩小了。 (1)voluntary adj.自愿的,志愿的 Although my father is retired, he still likes doing some voluntary work.我父亲尽管退休了,他仍喜欢做义工。 Hed been working at the local hostel for the handicapped on a voluntary basis. 他曾在当地的残疾人救助站当过义工。 volunteer n.志愿者,义务兵,自告奋勇者 v.自愿,自告奋勇 volunteer to do sth.志愿做某事,主动做某事 (2)shrink vi.变小;减少 The middle aged woman asked the shop assistant if this woolen sweater shrank when washed. 那位中年妇女问售货员这件羊毛衫洗后是否会缩水。 The vast forests of West Africa have shrunk. 西非的大片森林面积已缩小了。 The number of students of this school has shrunk. 这所学校的学生人数减少了。 shrink away 衰退;退缩 shrink back 退缩;畏缩;害怕 shrink from退缩;畏缩 They didnt shrink from danger. 他们在危险面前没有退缩。 empty/vacant 单项填空 ③Since everyone would like to find an apartment near the university, there are very few ________ apartments in the area. A.free         B.vacant C.empty D.reserved 【解析】 句意:由于每一个人都想在大学附近找一个公寓,所以附近几乎没有什么空的公寓了。 【答案】 B 3.all of a sudden突然地,突如其来地,猛然地 They plug it into the electrical socket, and all of a sudden, theres dancing in the streets.(P49)他们把音响设备的插头插入插座,突然间,街上的人们就跳起舞来。 We were driving along when all of a sudden a car pulled straight out of us.我们正开着车子往前走,这时突然一辆汽车在我们前面冲了出来。 Maria all of a sudden came by the door. 玛丽亚忽然来到了门口。 all of a sudden=suddenly=all at once突然地,出其不意地 4.relief n.(痛苦、忧虑等的)解除;减轻;宽慰; 救济 But street music gives life to everyone who listens and offers relief from the cares of the day. ( P49) 但是街头音乐赋予了每位倾听者以活力,让人们减轻了生活的烦恼。 I felt great relief when I heard I had passed the examination.当我听说我考试通过的时候,我感到轻松多了。 This medicine can give a patient relief from pain. 这种药可以缓解病人的痛苦。 find relief from从……中摆脱出来 to ones relief使某人欣慰的是 relieve v. 解除,减轻 relieve sb. of sth.解除某人的(负担、职务等) Much to her rel


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