
集装箱自动化堆场物流系统仿真与分析 - 中国图象图形学报.DOC

集装箱自动化堆场物流系统仿真与分析 - 中国图象图形学报.DOC

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集装箱自动化堆场物流系统仿真与分析 - 中国图象图形学报

中图法分类号:TP391.7 文献标识码:A 论文引用格式: 目标特征指导的多分辨率体绘制算法   1.电子科技大学通信与信息工程学院,成都 611731;2.电子科技大学成都学院,成都 611731 摘要: 目的 多分辨率体绘制是解决海量数据体绘制的一种有效方法。但对于数据散乱分布、同质区域较小的体绘制数据(比如物探领域的地震信号数据),传统的基于香农熵或均方差的多分辨率方式均难以有效实现降低数据量的效果。方法 本文提出了一种基于目标特征的多分辨率体绘制方法。以数据体中的目标特征为指导,适当降低非目标区域的分辨率,在尽可能不丢失其目标区域信息的情况下,实现有效的多分辨率体绘制。结果 本文方法能够在目标保证数据量的前提下,尽可能的通过丢弃非目标区域的信息量,进而保护数据体的关键信息,以得到较好的绘制效果。结论 实验结果表明,本文方法能与传统方法相比能够更好的保证关键区域绘制效果,同时进一步的降低用于绘制的数据量。 关键词:体绘制 海量数据 多分辨率 目标特征 Target feature based multi-resolution volume rendering Guo Siqi1,2,Lu Cai2,Nie Xiaoyan2 School of Communication and Information Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,Chengdu 611731;2.ChengDu College of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,Chengdu 611731 Abstract: Objective Multi-resolution volume rendering is an effective method to solve the problem of massive data volume rendering. We assume that there are some homogeneous regions with smaller variance or Shannon entropy in the data. By reducing the resolution of these areas, the overall amount of data can be reduced. However, in some kind of data, such as Seismic data in geological fields, there’s few homogeneous regions. And for these data, traditional methods can hardly achieve the goal of multi-resolution. Method In this paper, a target-based multi-resolution volume rendering method is proposed based on the traditional method . It’s basic idea is to use the target feature of the data as a guide to find the target areas. In some cases, the Shannon entropy and variance can only reflect the change of the numerical, but not the information which is required by users. So, this method use the target feature to fine the target areas which the users are interested in. Then to further improve the compression ratio by appropriately reducing the resolution of non-target areas after processing the data in the traditional way. Result This method can meet the demand of computer memory by reducing the amount of data to non critical regi


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