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英语课件;Reading;Festivals around the world;Can you describe one of the Chinese festivals?;Christmas Day December 25 ;;;Halloween ;Easter ;Reading and vocabulary;1. hide 隐藏, 掩盖 She tried to hide her feelings. 她设法掩藏她的感情。 She hid herself behind the curtain. 她躲在窗帘后面。;2. extend 延伸 They extended the subway to the suburbs. 他们把地铁延伸到郊区。 This road extends to the port. 这条道路一直延伸到港口。;3. pretend 假装 He didn’t want to go to school, so he pretended illness. He pretended to be dead when he met a bear. He pretended that he was working hard.;4. come to an end 完结 The meeting came to an end at midnight. 那次会议进行到深夜才结束。 I wonder how I can bring their dispute to an end. 我不知道如何才能使他们停止纷争。;They should put an end to that ridiculous war. 他们应该中止那场荒谬的战争。   come to and end bring to an end put an end to;5. dress up 打扮, 装扮 We dressed up for wedding. 我们为婚礼而盛装打扮。 The children dressed (themselves) up as pirates. 孩子们打扮成海盗。 be dressed in 穿着 She was dressed in white. 她穿着一身白衣服。;6. book 预订(房间、座位、票等) Did you book a seat on the plane? 你订好飞机座位了吗? You’d better book early for the play.那场戏你最好早订票。 (在警察局)登记备案 He was booked for speeding. 他因超速驾驶而留下了违规记录。;7. wander 漫步, 闲逛 He was wandering about in the street. 他在大街上徘徊。 I spent the vacation wandering through France. 我的假期是在法国漫游中度过。;8. revive 复活, 再流行 He will revive in the fresh air. 吸一吸新鲜空气, 他就会苏醒过来。 Water will revive those roses. 水会使那些玫瑰花起死回生。;1. If you dress up, you put on_____. A. special clothes B. lots of clothes 2. If you extend something, you make it __


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