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English News Writing 主讲人:张薇薇 Cell phone:156 5266 2863 Email:zhangweiwei@ Lecture 1 Course arrangement 2013-09-11 Course Arrangement Part One Introduction Part Two Culture and History of English News Part Three Ideas to Guide You Part Four Writing a Lead Part Five Writing a Straight News Story Part Six Writing a Feature Story Part Seven Becoming a Good Reporter Part One Introduction Lecture 1 Course arrangement Part Two Culture and History of English News Lecture 2 Cultural Differences in News Writing Part Three Ideas to Guide You Lecture 3 The Challenges of Reporting the News (I) Lecture 4 The Challenges of Reporting the News (II) Lecture 5 News Writing Basics Part Four Writing a Lead Lecture 6 Inverted Pyramid Lead Lecture 7 Tips for Writing a Lead Lecture 8 Using the Inverted Pyramid Lecture 9 Strengths of the Inverted Pyramid Style Part Five Writing a Straight News Story Lecture 10 Using Quotations Correctly Lecture 11 Headlining Your Story Lecture 12 Writing Follow-up Stories Part Six Writing a Feature Story Lecture 13 Writing an Attractive Lead Lecture 14 Fine-Tuning Your Language Part Seven Becoming a Good Reporter Lecture 15 Finding Your Story Ideas and Loving Your People Lecture 16 Course Summary Course Requirement Course assessment In-class activity 10% Assignment 10% Attendance 10% Final-exam 70% Books recommended 作  者: John.H.Noonan Gene Mustain 出 版 社: 复旦大学出版社 出版时间:2008.04 “We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master.” —Ernest Hemingway “The greatest part of a writer’s time is spent in reading, in order to write; a man will turn over half a library to make one book.” —Samuel Johnson “Write. Rewrite. When not writing or rewriting, read. I know of no shortcuts.” —La


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