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浙江大学宁波理工学院2011–2012学年2学期 《职场英语》课程期末考试试卷(A) 开课分院: 外国语分院 ,考试形式:闭卷 考试日期:2012年_6月_12日,考试所需时间:120分钟 考生姓名    学号   考生所在分院:     专业班级:   . 题序 一 二 三 四 五 六 总 分 题型 ? 得分 ? ? ? ? ? ? 评卷人 ? ? ? ? ? ? Part I Term Translation Section A Directions: Translate the following words or expressions into Chinese and then put your answers on the Answer Sheet. (10%) 1) output 产量 2) cosmetics 化妆品 3) insurance 保险 4) E-Business Platform 电子商务平台 5) Personnel Department 人事部 6) sales figure销售额 7) minutes 会议记录 8) negotiation谈判 9) duty-free 免税 10) reservation 预定 Section B Directions: Translate the following words or expressions into English and then put your answers on the Answer Sheet. (10%) 1) 请柬 invitation 2) 国内市场 3) 出差 4) 议程 5) 样品 6) 奖金 7) 甜点   8) 下订单 9) 出口 10) 登机     Part II Bank Cloze Section A Directions: In this section, there is a dialogue with 10 blanks. For each blank, there are two choices marked A and B. Choose the one that best fits into the dialogue. Then write the corresponding letter for each item on the Answer Sheet. (10%) Inspector: Good afternoon. May I see your 1)____B___(A. pass /B. passport), please? George: Of course, here you are. Inspector: Thank you. What is the purpose of your visit—business or 2)____A___(A. pleasure /B. pressure)? George: Business. Inspector: I see. How 3)____A__(A. long /B. often) will you be staying in our country? George: About a week. Inspector: Is this your first time in the country? George: Yes. I’ve been invited by our business 4)___B____(A. connects /B. associates) to attend a trade fair. Inspector: Fine. Is this all your luggage? George: Yes, that’s all my luggage, one suitcase and one bag. Inspector: Do you have anything to 5)____B___(A. report /B. declare)? George: I guess not. I mean I’m not quite sure about it. You see, this


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