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1. You should: Write down at least 5 suggestions to protect the endangered animals. 2. If you like: Discuss and make a report: How to cut down the air pollution in our city * * Unit 13 We are trying to save the earth. (Section A 3a) shark /?ɑ:k / n. 鲨鱼 fins / fInz / n. 鳍 What happens to the shark? the shark is caught (catch) by people. First , the fins are cut (cut) off by people. Next , 切除 the shark fins are cooked (cook) into the shark fin soup by people. 鱼翅羹 Then , the shark without fins is thrown (throw) back into the ocean by people. 扔回到… Finally , What will happen to the shark ? What should we do? especially /?‘ spe??li / adv. 尤其地; 格外地; ocean /‘???n / n. 海洋 cruel / kru:?l / adj. 残酷的;残忍的 harmful / hɑ:mfl / adj. 有害的 environment /?n va?r?nm?nt /n.环境 chain /t?e?n / n. 链子;链条 ecosystem / i:k??s?st?m /n. 生态系统 low /l?? / adj. 减少的;低/矮的 endangered /?n‘de?nd??d/adj.濒临灭绝的 industry / ‘ Ind?stri / n. 工业;行业 law /l?:/ n. 法律;法规 cut off 割掉;砍掉 be harmful to 对……有害 at the top of在……顶端 the food chain食物链 the number of ……的数量 Save the sharks ! Before reading Reading Tip 1 Look at the picture and the topic carefully. You can get some information. (仔细阅读文章插图及标题) Save the sharks ! Before reading Save the sharks ! What’s the main idea of the article? A.The shark fin soup is famous and expensive. B.The sharks are endangered in the world. C. People cut off sharks’ fins to make the shark fin soup. Skimming 略读 Read and Match Para1. endangered sharks Para2. shark fin soup Para3. Help save the sharks! Reading Tip 2 Find out the key words in each paragraph. You can get some information. (找出每段的关键词) Save the sharks ! Read and Match Para1. endangered sharks Para2. shark fin soup Para3. Help save the sharks! Skimmi


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