2016届《创新设计》高考英语大一轮总复习(全国译林版)配套精讲课件:模块三 Unit 3 Back to the past-2.ppt

2016届《创新设计》高考英语大一轮总复习(全国译林版)配套精讲课件:模块三 Unit 3 Back to the past-2.ppt

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2016届《创新设计》高考英语大一轮总复习(全国译林版)配套精讲课件:模块三 Unit 3 Back to the past-2

第2课时 考点突破 诵·研·练 [词 汇 研 析] flee vt. vi.逃避,逃跑;迅速离开 flee (from)...从……逃跑 flee to/into...逃到…… flee(from)responsibility 逃避责任 The customers fled(from) the bank when the alarm sounded. 警报响起,顾客纷纷从银行逃走。 ①Many of the people have ________________ to escape the floods. 许多人为躲避洪水逃到了山上。 ②Its a shame to ________________. 逃避责任是可耻的。 答案 ①fled to the mountains ②flee from responsibility ruin n.[C](pl.)废墟,遗迹;[U]毁坏,毁灭,崩溃vt.破坏;毁灭/坏,使破产 (1)come/go to ruin毁灭;灭亡;落空 in ruins 成为废墟,破败不堪 fall into ruin 灭亡,荒废 bring...to ruin 使毁灭,使落空 (2)ruin ones hope(s)使某人的希望破灭 She was afraid that classical study would ruin his jazz-influenced style. 她很担心学习古典会毁掉他的爵士影响的风格。 ①All of us were sad to see ________________ (文明的覆灭). ②The tsunami after the earthquake in Japan ________________ (让那座城市成为一片废墟). 答案 ①the ruin of civilization ②left the town lying in ruins 【助记】 Drinking was his fathers ruin and it will be the ruin of him too!Because of drunk driving,his career is in ruins. 酗酒毁了他父亲,他也将遭受同样的厄运。由于酒后驾驶,他已前途尽毁。 remains n.遗物,遗迹,遗骸;剩余物 (1)the remains of...……的遗迹 (2)remain v.留下;仍然是 remain+形容词/名词/分词/介词短语 保持…… remain to be done 有待于被做 (3)remaining adj.剩余的 She fed the remains of her lunch to the dog. 她把中午吃剩的饭喂狗了。 ①In spite of their quarrel,they ________________. 尽管他们有争吵,他们仍是最好的朋友。 ②It ________________ whether the newly-formed committees policy can be put into practice. 新成立的委员会提出的方针能否实行还有待观察。 答案 ①remain the best of friends ②remains to be seen 【点津】 (1)remain作系动词用时,其后可接形容词、名词、介词短语、非谓语形式等作表语。 (2)remaining通常作前置定语,而left作“剩下的”讲时,在句中作后置定语。the money left/the remaining money“剩下的钱”。 declare vt.宣布;宣称;声明 declare for/against...声明支持/反对…… declare to sb/sth that-clause 向……宣布某事 declare sb/sth to be+adj./n.宣布……为……;断言…… declare war 宣战 Some scientists declare that most of our fatigue comes from our mental and emotional attitudes. 一些科学家宣称,我们的大多数疲劳来自我们的心理和情感态度。 【辨析】 理解下列区别并选词填空 ①President Obama is preparing to ________ his new plan on Tuesday. ②The country had no other choice but to ________ war on their



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