
环境一号c星sar天线设计与分析 - 易迪拓培训.pdf

环境一号c星sar天线设计与分析 - 易迪拓培训.pdf

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环境一号c星sar天线设计与分析 - 易迪拓培训

第 3 卷第 3 期 雷 达 学 报 Vol. 3No. 3 2014 年 6 月 Journal of Radars Jun. 2014 环境一号 C 星 SAR 天线设计与分析 * 郑士昆 冀有志 崔兆云 方永刚 周丽萍 (中国空间技术研究院西安分院 西安 710100) 摘 要:环境一号 C 星 SAR 天线采用了构架式可展开网状抛物面反射器,天线构型复杂,在轨展开步骤多,天线 展开可靠性及在轨电气性能等都是设计难点。该文阐述了天线总体、结构和电气方面的设计研究,并从力学和热角 度进行了实际工况的分析。环境一号 C 星在轨成功展开及良好的 SAR 成像质量表明了天线在机电热及可靠性设计 方面满足型号工程的使用要求,为集中式网状抛物面 SAR 天线的设计研究提供了宝贵经验。 关键词:SAR 天线;构架式可展开反射器;结构设计;力学分析;热分析 中图分类号:V44; TN957.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2095-283X(2014)03-0266-08 DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1300.2014.14040 Design and Analysis of HJ-1-C Satellite SAR Antenna Zheng Shi-kun Ji You-zhi Cui Zhao-yun Fang Yong-gang Zhou Li-ping (China Academy of Space Technology (Xi’an), Xi’an 710100, China) Abstract: With truss deployable mesh parabolic reflector, the HJ-1-C SAR antenna has complex structure and multiple steps during the deployed processing. The design of the antenna is difficult in terms of deployed reliability and electrical performance. This paper makes intensive research on system, structure and electrical design, and the analysis of mechanical and thermal performance in the actual space conditions is also presented. The successful deploying in orbit and high image quality of the HJ-1-C satellite indicate that the mechanical, electronic, thermal and reliability design of the antenna satisfy the project requirement, and these research provides valuable experience for the design of the centralized mesh parabolic SAR antenna. Key words: SAR antenna; Truss deployable reflector; Structural design; Mechanical analysis; Thermal analysis 1 引言



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