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( ) 第 22卷第 1期 长沙理工大学学报 社会科学版 Vol. 22 No. 1 2 0 0 7 年 3 月 JOURNAL OF CHAN GSHA UN IV ER SITY OF SC IENCE TECHNOLOGY ( SOC IAL SC IENCE) M ar . 2 0 0 7 火力发电企业效绩评价指标体系创新研究 陈宏明 , 余海涛 (长沙理工大学 管理学院 ,湖南 长沙  4 10076) [摘要 ]我国电力体制改革的推行和 “厂网分开 ,竞价上网 ”的实现 ,使发电企业作为独立的经济实体登上了市场经济 的舞台 , 由此 ,传统计划经济体制下对火力发电企业效绩评价和考核的办法已不再适应新形势的需要 。本文从效绩 的形成过程入手同时充分考虑火力发电企业的行业特性和经营特点 ,构建了一套适合火力发电企业的效绩评价指标 体系 ,实现了过程效绩评价与结果效绩评价的有机结合 。 [关键词 ]火力发电企业 ;效绩评价 ;指标体系 [中图分类号 ] F270  [文献标识码 ]A   [文章编号 ] 1672 - 934X (2007) 0 1 - 0079 - 05 Study on Innova tion s in E stablish ing Performance Eva lua tion Index Sy stem of F irepower Electr ic ity Gen era tin g En terpr ises CHEN H ong m ing , Yu H a itao (S chool of M anag em en t, Changsha Un ivers ity of S cience Technology, Changsha, H unan 4 10077, Ch ina) A b stract:Electric power system reform being p racticed in Ch ina w ith the sep aration of electric power p roduction from tran sportation, m akes the power source enterp rises p articip ate in the m arket comp etition as indep endent econom ic entity. Therefore, the form er p erform ance evaluation m easure for firepower electricity generating enterp rises in traditional p lanned economy system w ill not be ab le to adap t to the need of the new circum stances. Th is p ap er estab lishes a set of p erform ance evaluation index system fit for firepower electricity generating enterp rises through studying the form ing p rocess of p erform ance, and in the m eantim e fu lly con sidering the indu stry and op eratio


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