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毛姆笔记一 几句关于欲望的话透着毛姆一贯的诙谐.?   ?    The spirit is often most free when the body is satiated with pleasure; indeed, sometimes the stars shine more brightly seen from the gutter than from the hilltop.?    常常身体得到满足时精神才能达到最高层次的自由. 确实, 有时在阴沟里星空看着比在山顶更明亮.?   ?    I have exercised moderation because I was hard to please. … It is obvious that you need not often go hungry if you are willing to dine off mutton hash and turnip tops.?    我自我控制能力较强因为我比常人挑剔…当然了, 愿意啃残羹剩饭的人不容易饿. ?   ?   哈哈,有趣吧? 滥情的人比较不饿. 挑剔的人可能经常半饥半饱,但是人家乐意. 萝卜青菜各有所爱啊.?   ?   下面这几句很有意思. 让我想起年初离开公司的老板曾经跟我讲过的一些话. 他说有的人看上去清闲其实是你不知道内情. 也许人家打落了牙齿肚里吞. 我当时还很不以为然.现在想想自己太偏激了.   ?    At first sight it is curious that our own offences should seem to us to much less heinous than the offences of others. I suppose the reason is that we know all the circumstances that have occasioned them and so manage to excuse in ourselves what we cannot excuse in others.?    乍一看似乎很奇怪,为什么我们自己的过失从来没有别人的过失更可恶. 我琢磨着这可能是因为我们对自己过失的前因后果有一个比较全面清晰的了解,所以很容易给找一个原谅自己的借口. 他人的过失则不然. ?   ?   还是关于待人接物的.我准备把它作为今年的座右铭.?   ?    It is meet not to expect too much of others. You should be grateful when they treat you well, but unperturbed when they treat you ill. ‘For every one of us’, as the Athenian Stranger said, ‘is made pretty much what he is by the bent of his desires and the nature of his soul.’?    不要对别人期待太高. 人家公平对你要知道感恩. 人家对你不公平,也要沉静对待. 子曰*: ‘我们每一个人都是受自己欲望驱使与灵魂本色的产物.’?   ?    *Athenian Stranger, 雅典路人,是柏拉图的一本书.我没看过.估计可能是类似孔子那些书里的形势类似?所以翻成”子曰”比较好玩. :)?   ?   这一句让我想起 The Thin Red Line那部电影,好像里面有类似一句关于战争的旁白…?   ?    I knew that suffering did not ennoble; it degraded. It made men selfish, mean, petty, and suspicious. It absorbed them in small things. It did not make them more than men; it made them less than men; and I wrote ferociously that we learn resignation not by our own suffering, but by the suffering of others.?    我知道痛苦不能使人格高贵. 相反, 它使人低贱. 痛苦令人变得自私,卑鄙,吝啬,而且多疑. 它让人鼠目寸光. 痛苦不会让人超越人性, 只让人更像禽兽. 我奋笔疾书过多少故事想让人明白让我们变得顺服任命的不是我们自己的痛苦,而是他人的痛苦. ?   ?   下面这些很有意思. 把我最近因


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