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教育变革时代的体育课程标准新形态:台湾高中体育课标的案例 陈福亮,季浏( (华东师范大学 体育与健康学院,上海 200241) 摘 要:核心素养是继“终身教育”和“全民教育”思潮之后,引领当代教育改革的第三大思潮。采用文献资料法,解读台湾地区于2012年颁布的基于核心素养的高中体育课程标准,剖析其结构与特点,试图为大陆正在进行的围绕核心素养的高中体育课程标准修订和体育课程改革提供一些启示。台湾高中体育课程标准基于核心素养拟定课程目标,再将课程目标转化为能力指标,课程标准已呈现出新形态,主要特点有:具备多元的基础理论;注重培养学生的核心能力;重视课程的横向统整与纵向衔接;强调学校本位,赋予学校和教师自主权;可操作性强,便于教师参考和指导教学。解读台湾高中体育课程标准后得出启示:大陆核心素养指标体系的构建应科学规范;大陆围绕核心素养的高中体育课程标准研制和课程改革实践,可在综合其他国家或地区多种模式后启动与实施;核心素养是深化大陆高中体育课程改革有力助手,后续需要做好推进措施。 关键词:体育课程标准;核心素养;教育变革;课程目标;核心能力;统整;衔接;台湾 New Style of PE Curriculum Standard in Education Reform Times: Taken Taiwan High School PE Curriculum Standard for Example CHEN Fuliang, JI Liu (East China Normal University, School of PE Health, Shanghai 200241, China) Abstract: Key competencies are the third ideological trend guiding educational reform followed by 搇ifelong education攁nd揺ducation for all people? In order to give references and inspirations for developing Chinese high school PE curriculum standard and making reform based on key competencies, this paper uses literature method to interpret structure and characteristic of Taiwan high school PE curriculum standard based on key competencies published in 2012. Taiwan high school PE curriculum standard inverts key competencies into curriculum objectives, and then inverts curriculum objectives into ability target. PE curriculum standard has become new style, and its characteristics are basing on multiple basic theories, cultivating students’ capacity, laying emphasis on sidewise integration and lengthwise cohesion, giving more privilege to schools and teachers, instructing teaching activity and promoting teaching evaluation. It has enlightened that constructing Chinese key competencies should be scientific, starting curriculum reform based on key competencies should refer different national or regional reform models, deepen reform should make good pushing strategies. Key words: PE curriculum standard; key competencies; education reform; curriculum objective; key abilities; integ


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