服务主导逻辑视角下品牌管理研究视角的历史演进 - 南开管理评论.doc

服务主导逻辑视角下品牌管理研究视角的历史演进 - 南开管理评论.doc

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服务主导逻辑视角下品牌管理研究视角的历史演进 - 南开管理评论

品牌价值共创的关键维度及其对顾客认知与品牌绩效的影响: 产业服务情境的实证研究 摘要:近期品牌文献开始将研究边界从消费市场转向组织市场,但仍缺乏对产业服务品牌的足够关注。此外,文献遵循传统的品牌价值链模型,将品牌价值的产生聚焦于企业单方面的营销策略,并未考虑多重利益相关者的互动和价值共同创造活动。本研究将服务主导逻辑的思维范式整合到品牌研究领域,首先根据三家产业服务企业的定性访谈识别了品牌价值共创活动的关键维度,并确立研究框架,进而通过258对产业服务提供商与客户企业的问卷调查对品牌价值共创的维度及其对品牌绩效的影响进行验证。研究提取了四组利益相关者界面上八个维度的品牌价值共创活动,这些活动直接或者间接影响品牌价值的顾客认知以及最终的品牌绩效。论文是首个基于服务主导逻辑的视角对产业品牌价值的形成机理进行的实证探索,研究结论具有切实的管理启示,建议产业服务企业关注多重利益相关者构建的社会网络中的互动性价值共创活动,以此提升品牌管理绩效。 关键词:品牌价值共创;服务主导逻辑;利益相关者;产业服务;品牌绩效 Key Dimensions of Brand Value Co-creation and Its Impacts upon Customer Perception and Brand Performance: An Empirical Research in the Context of Industrial Services Abstract: Although the branding literature has recently shifted research focus from consumer markets to organizational markets, the attention paid to industrial services branding is still not enough. In addition, relevant literature always consider the marketing activities of the branded companies as antecedents of brand value by following traditional brand value chain model, without considering the interaction and value co-creation activities among multiple stakeholders. This paper argues that the paradigm of the service-dominant logic should be incorporated into the branding research, identifies key dimensions of brand value co-creation activities and presents research framework based on qualitative interviews with three industrial services firms, and validates the conceptual model addressing the impact of different dimensions of brand value co-creation activities upon brand performance by conducting a questionnaire survey among 258 pairs of Chinese B2B services providers and their client companies. The research extracts eight dimensions of brand value co-creation activities on four interfaces between stakeholders, which directly and indirectly impact customer perception of brand value and the final brand performance. This paper is the first kind of research that empirically explores the formation mechanism of industrial brand value from the perspectiv


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