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  分 类 号:J9                   单位代码:10452 毕业论文 中国家族题材电视剧的家族历史文化研究 ——以《乔家大院》等为例 姓 名      王 晖               学 号   12            专 业    广播电视编导        系 (院)    传媒学院        指导教师  杨若冰 2016年3月30日 摘 要 近些年来,以家族历史为题材的电视剧日益火爆,它们不仅吸引了电视观众的注意力,还成为学者、专家们的研究焦点,其中比较特殊的当属2006年央视一套上映的《乔家大院》及2001年央视一套上映的《大宅门》等电视剧。他它们的内容大多反映家族的悲欢离合,因为其题材相似,故被观众和媒体统称为“家族电视剧”①。这些有着高收视率的“家族电视剧”以及所折射出的家族历史文化正是本文的研究对象。 本文试图通过对《乔家大院》进行个案研究,分别从家族题材电视剧的概况、社会历史性及家族性的传承三个方面,来探究家族历史文化的魅力,直观地反映出社会变迁、风俗习惯、社会意识甚至说是国仇家恨。映射出在实行独生子女政策、生活节奏不断加快的今天,复杂的家庭关系不复存在,甚至连有些对亲戚的称呼都在不断消失。 我认为家族的根是不能断的,不仅仅是作为家族题材的电视剧不能消亡,在家族传承中的许多现在仍可以适用的优良传统更不能断流。 关键词:家族电视剧;《乔家大院》;乔致庸;晋商精神;传承 Abstract In recent years, with family history as the theme of the drama has become increasingly popular, they not only to attract the audiences attention, but also become the research focus of scholars and experts, which was undoubtedly the special 2006 CCTV a release, Joe courtyard and CCTV in 2001 a release of the big Zhaimen TV series. Their contents mostly reflecting a familys joys and sorrows, because of its similar theme, so it is audience and the media are collectively referred to as family drama. These are the high ratings of the family drama and the reflection of the family history and culture is the object of this study. This paper attempts to through a case study of Qiao Jia Da Yuan, respectively from the general situation of the family drama, social history and family of three aspects of inheritance, to explore the charm of family history and culture, intuitively reflect social changes, customs and habits, social consciousness even guoqiuguhen. Mapped out in the implementation of the one-child policy, the pace of life continues to accelerate today, the complex relationship between the family no longer exists, and even some of the relatives of the call are constantly disappearing. I think family roots is not broken, not only as the theme o


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