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The third handsome man is Nick. The fourth girl is Miss Zhong. The eighth teaching competition is hold in our school. 基 数 词 0-12 13-19 20-99 100 : one hundredth 1000 :one thousandth (序数词构成规律) 基变序,有规律, 一、二、三,特殊记,面目全非要注意, 加th从4起, 八少“t”,九去“e”, “ve”要用“f”替,(five, twelve) 见“y”变成“i”和“e”,词尾加上“th”, (twenty, thirty,……ninety) 若是遇到几十几,只变个位就可以。 序数词缩写记清楚,数字后跟两字母。 1.(中考题)—Now,everybody,please turn to Page _______ and look at the ________ picture. A.Fifth ; five B. Five ; fifth C.Fifth ; fifth D. Five ; five [解析] 本题考查数词的用法。Page Five “第五项”;由picture 为单数知“第五幅 图片” ,the fifth picture,故选B。 2.It is the _______ time in one week that you broke the dishes. third B. three C. thirty D. thirds 3.(2009 中考变式题) Good news!Bill won ______ medal in the long jump just now. Really? That’s his _______ one at our sports meeting. A. a ;four B. an ; fourth C. a ;fourth 解析:考查序数次作定语,句意为“在我十五岁生日的时 候,我得到了一辆漂亮的自行车,我非常喜欢它。” 根据句意可知是第十五个生日,序数词作定语时, 其前要加 the或 形容词性的物主代词。 4. (2010· 宜宾) I got a good present on my ______ birthday. A. nine B. ninth C. the nine D. the ninth 【解析 根据句意可知用序数词,序数词前有 物主代词时,则不再用the ,故选B。句意是 “在我九岁生日时,我得到了一份好礼物。” 5. — How many students are there in your class? — ________ . A. twenty nine B.thirty and two C. forty-five D.fifties 6.Which of the following is wrong? A.He is a fifteen-year-old boy B. He is at the age of 15. C.He is a boy of 15. D.He is fifteen year old . 7 .? Jane Eyre is a good book. I have read it and I decide to read it _____ . A .? the second time????????????? B.? a second time C .? two time????????????????????????? D.? two times 8 .?Yesterday my mother bought _____ eggs in the market. Unfortunately, she broke two and ten were left. A .? a dozen of??????????????????????B .? dozens of C .? two dozen??????????????????D .? several dozens 再一,又一 9.? “How many presidents are there before Abraham Lincoln?”



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