中职英语_book1 unit 10_lesson_2_Merry_Christmas概要1.ppt

中职英语_book1 unit 10_lesson_2_Merry_Christmas概要1.ppt

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中职英语_book1 unit 10_lesson_2_Merry_Christmas概要1

Wonderful Christmas 每年的12月25日,是基督教徒纪念耶稣诞生的日子,称为圣诞节。 Christmas customs of different countries We all know that Christmas is a western festival, was born in different countries and their customs and different, it is several major western customs. 我们都知道圣诞节是西方的节日,诞生对于不同的国家,他们的习俗又有所不同,一下是几个主要的西方国家的习俗。 Britain Britain : they think Christmas must eat a great time. So Christmas dinner is extremely rich, including pork and roast Turkey, Christmas pudding, Christmas break hamburger... And so on. Everyone has a gift, and even servants have, gifts at Christmas morning dispense. Sometimes what every choir singing Christmas songs out the door, they will also be master please into the house, entertaining tea or give little gift. 英国:他们认为圣诞节必须吃得痛快。所以圣诞大餐极为丰富,包括猪肉、烤火鸡、圣诞布丁、圣诞碎肉饼等等。家里每一个人都有一份礼物,连仆人也有,礼物都在圣诞节的早晨分赠。有时逢唱诗班逐门逐户唱圣诞歌时,他们也会被主人请进屋里,招待茶点或赠予小礼物。 America The United States: a free and colorful countries, Christmas is the day they happy carnival. Americas national complex, so its celebration often different because immigrants varied. Most of the interior have chic decorate, hanging outside the wreath and beautiful colourful decorations. 美国:一个自由且多彩的国家,圣诞节是他们快乐狂欢的日子。美国的民族复杂,所以其庆祝方式常因移民的不同而有所差异。大部分室内都有别致的布置,门外悬挂着美艳的花环及绮丽的饰物。 Russia : Christmas Eve, family around the tree symbol sexually compromising, give the child tells the story of the old grandfather absurd pioneer. On Christmas day, middle-class below, vying to big store buying gifts exchanged between friends. 俄罗斯:圣诞前夕,家人围绕着象征“新岁的树”,给孩子讲述荒诞的老祖父拓荒故事。在圣诞节当天,中产阶级以下的人,争往大商店抢购礼物互赠亲友。 Santa‘s origin 从前有一个老人,名叫尼古拉斯,他一生最爱帮助贫穷的人家。其中有一次他帮助三个贫穷的少后送他们三袋金子以逃过被卖的不幸。当尼古拉斯偷偷把其中一袋金子送给其中一名女子时,他把金子从其中一个窗户扔进去,恰好掉进景在壁上的一长袜中。于是,人们为了纪念他,就将礼物以放在圣诞袜子的送礼方法家挨户地去要糖果。 The origin of the Christmas tree 据称,圣诞树最早出现在古罗马12月中旬的农神节,德国传教士尼古斯在公元8世纪 用纵树供奉圣婴。随后,德国人把12月24日作为亚当和夏娃的节日,在家放上象征伊甸园 的“乐园树”,上挂代表圣饼的小甜饼,象征赎罪;还点上蜡烛,象征基督。 到16世纪,宗教改革者马丁.路德,为求得一个满天星斗的圣诞之夜,设计出在家中布 置一颗装着蜡烛的圣诞树。 The origins of Christmas The origins of Christmas The exception was only the chur


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