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The American Character and the Chinese Character Far greater significance * 本作品采用知识共享署名-非商业性使用 2.5 中国大陆许可协议进行许可。 专业交流 模板超市 设计服务 本作品的提供是以适用知识共享组织的公共许可( 简称“CCPL” 或 “许可”) 条款为前提的。本作品受著作权法以及其他相关法律的保护。对本作品的使用不得超越本许可授权的范围。 如您行使本许可授予的使用本作品的权利,就表明您接受并同意遵守本许可的条款。在您接受这些条款和规定的前提下,许可人授予您本许可所包括的权利。 查看全部… NordriDesign?中国专业PowerPoint媒体设计与开发 The average American moves fourteen times in his lifetime They believe in American Dream The piomeering spirit Big consumers uncle Sam The American Dream Since 1776, generations of Americans are convinced, as long as through the efforts of unremitting struggle will be able to get a better life, that people have through their own hard work, courage, creativity and determination towards prosperity, rather than depends on the particular social class and other peoples assistance The story is about an era of three generations in the context of a variety of difficulties and setbacks, the family from the 19th century through to the early 1880s, half a century of migration experience, they depart from New York, through the Civil War, Gold Rush, met Indian and Southwest the exiles, through all difficulties and obstacles, and finally reached the west, and in combination with other pioneers in the construction of the railroad on the plains, the law and justice are brought to the frontier. Original gold dream Chinese American Dream Black American Dream Statue of Liberty 1.A Chinese promotes the group and stabilility 2. Chinese people reverence for nature 3.Chinese people like moderation Family portrait Chinese people like to worship Chinese peoples ancestral Surnames Confucius Because we are Chinese people, we are very familiar with each other, so I will not do much introduction about us.If you want to know more about the Chinese character and the American character ,please watch more Chinese and American films. * 本作品采用知识共享署名-非商业性使用 2.5 中国大陆许可协议进行许可。 专业交流 模板超市 设计服务 本作品的提供是以适用知识共享组织的公共许可( 简称“CCPL” 或 “许可”) 条款为前提的。本作品受著作权法以及其他相关法律的保护。对本作品的使用不得超越本许可授权的范围。


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