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About Education About Education Parents are the first teacher of their children. differences the value of family education education method emotional education and punishment education in managing money Education purpose is different Chinese family education and Western family education have their own characteristics. Main problems in today’s Chinese family education. Main problems in today’s Chinese family education. Main problems in today’s Chinese family education. Main problems in Western family education. Main problems in Western family education. Main problems in Western family education Family May Hurt You LOGO * LOGO China Western Countries PK 左小婷 Success can not be copied,so does education. The stirring of this intense debate has to do with what does it mean to be a successful parent and what does it mean to be a successful child? The family education is related to a persons life. different educational purposes the value of family education 1 education method 2 emotional education and punishment 3 education in managing money 4 5 China Care about the reputation in educating the child. The educations goal is for making their living, for honor. Western Countries Education is not the preparation for making their living, but for survival. Emphasize “the learned education.” China Emphasize mechanical(机械的) memorizing. If the book is read hundreds of times, its meaning is shown naturally. (书读百遍,其义自现) Western Countries Emphasize the child’s “power of understanding.” Seeking the knowledge from life and nature. China Western Countries Emphasize “reserve”. Such characters as “no”, “cannot”, “won’t do”, “do not ”appear repeatedly. One can not become a useful person without being beaten. (不打不成材 ) The club helps the child to be loyal son.(棍棒底下出孝子) Using the encouraging language. Pay great attention to individual quality and the emotional communication. The punish


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