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The Differences between Chinese and Foreign Funeral;;隆丧厚葬;The early burial customs of Chinas generation is based on the memory of the deceased and the fear, so as the last stop of the life , nature has a special status. ;;;;;;;;; Foreign Funeral “简丧薄葬”; Western funeral etiquette is basically a religious funeral rituals. After death, first in death or the body found registry for registration, issued by a doctor or medical examiner written proof, and in death before the grass-roots organization of residence registration; then issued a notice to relatives or in the press announcement. ;The funeral of the deceased will generally follow, will determine the burial or cremation. Funeral affairs generally by the funeral agency or contractor specific arrangements, including the burial or cremation time, place and time of the funeral ceremony, and other locations. The funeral ceremony with a western wedding, held in the church. Many specific procedures are put. The coffin into the church, by a priest read the eulogy and pray for the dead, and then use a velvet pall to cover the coffin to the cemetery or crematorium. The funeral and the funeral mass can be done at the same time, can also be separated held by the priest or relatives generally agreed, including prayer words and texts, and communion, farewell ceremony finally. ;The funeral is mainly influenced by Christianity. Christianity will be the soul of every one of the direct relationship with God, do not allow idolatry, advocating the soul and despise the flesh, so Western funeral custom is very simple. Christian funeral is more prayer for the dead, I wish the soul to go to heaven. From his pain. Christianity thinks that the human soul after death need quiet, the funeral is therefore very solemn.In front of God ,every soul is equal .; Western have many ethnic groups, but in the influence of Christian culture, funeral customs. The same basic traditional funeral program uses the form of religi


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