人教版必修4Unit 2 Working the land Writing(共12张PPT)概要1.ppt

人教版必修4Unit 2 Working the land Writing(共12张PPT)概要1.ppt

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人教版必修4Unit 2 Working the land Writing(共12张PPT)概要1

Speaking The farmer is persuading the customer to buy his/her “green food”. You need to … The advantages are… I’d prefer …because… What’s the advantage of … Should I/we...? It’s better of… It’s more expensive but… I don’t like… because… I’d rather… This is good value because… You’ll taste the difference when… If I have a choice I’ll choose… It’s a great pity that… Sample dialogue: F= Farmer C= Customer ◎Writing Task on Page 53. Sample writing: 1600 years ago the Chinese writer Jia Sixie wrote a book Qi Min Yao Shu about good agricultural practices. Today some of Jia Sixie’s ideas are still very useful to our modern times, but we have some problems today that he never had in his time. Some of Jia Sixie’s ideas are still very useful to our modern times. Farmer still clear their fields of weeds. They still plough deeply the first time and less deeply the second time. In addition, farmers everywhere still understand that changing crops in the fields is still important. However, we have some problems today that Jia Sixie never faced in his time. We have environmental pollution that harms fields and crops. We have great competition in the marketplace. We have new, dangerous and powerful crop diseases. Although our modern farmers still use some of Jia Sixie’s ideas today, they face problems that were never heard of in Jia Sixie’s day. * * Writing F: Good morning! Would you like some organic carrots this morning? C: Hmm… They’re a little expensive! What is the advantage of …? F: The advantage of these vegetables is that they are green food so they’re safe to eat and good for your family. C: But what’s the advantage of having green food? I know all vegetables are good for you and those down the road look green too. And I can buy them at half the price there. F: Well, let me explain. I’d rather feed my family on green food than other vegetables because they are grown without chemical fertilizers. C: But the price is too expensive


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