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Unit 8-9 基础达标 综合演练 Unit 8 复习重点: 1.能正确使用以下词汇:月份(1-12),节日或活动和序数词 2.能正确使用以下表达: Happy birthday, how old, birthday part, see you, have a good time, this term, next week. 3.能正确使用名词所有格 Alice’s, father’s, brother’s, Tom’s, parents’, Teachers’ Day… 句式 1. 能表达自己或家人,朋友的生日以及近期的活动安排。 When is your birthday? It’s on January 5th. When is the art festival? It’s on December 10th. 2.能够表达年龄。 How old are you? I’m thirteen. Grammar focus 你生日是什么时候? 我的生日在5月2日。 他的生日是什么时候? 他的生日在1月17日。 她的生日是什么时候?在八月。 爱丽丝的生日是什么时候? 她的生日是9月5日。 你爸爸的生日是什么时候? 他的生日是4月21日。 综合演练:单项选择 1.Mary is in my class, but I don’t know____ birthday. A. his B. she C. her D. hers 2.-- Is this your book? -- No, it’s my_______ A. brother B. brothers C. brother’s D. of brothers 3. We have English___ 9:00 __ Monday. A. on;on B. at; on C. on; at D. at;at 4. Today I have ____ classes, and the____ is math. A. fifth; fifth B. five; five C. five; fifth D. fifth; five 5.Jenny’s birthday is ___ October 10th. A. on B.in C at D. of 用所给词的适当形式填空 March 6th is my___________(twenty) birthday. I’m the __________ (one) student to come here. Mike and Tom _______(be) 13 years old. Today is ________(Bob) birthday. The little boy is five________ (month) old. 句型转换 1. Her sister is 13 years old. (画线部分提问) ___________________________________ 2.Mary’s birthday is on May 12th. (画线部分提问) _________________________________________ 3.He wants to come to Alice’s birthday.(一般疑问句) _______________________________________ 4.Jane was born(出生于) on December 2nd.(同义句) ________________________________________ 5. His school has a Music Festival each year.(否定句) ___________________________________________ Unit 9 重点回顾 1.能正确使用关于school subjects的词汇 2.能正确使用以下表达: favorite subject, from… to…, play games with…, How’s your day? That’s great! That’s for sure. 3.能认读缩写词:P.M. (p.m.) A.M.(a.m.) P.E. 句式: 1. 能就喜欢的事物进行简单问答: What’s your favorite subject/ day/ color…? My favorite subject/day/color… is… 2.能询问喜欢原因 Why do you like…? Because it’s fun/ interesti


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