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Kate is ______ English. She is __________ English student. (冠词) Please ______ this key to your sister. She is at school. (take \ bring) Sally, I need my dictionary. Can you _______ it to me? (take \bring) The boy _______ a green coat is my brother. (介词) Kate ___________ (not have ) a sports collection. You can see ________ old picture on the wall.( 冠词) Are the ___________ (磁带) on the bed? I need to take the video tape back________ the store after school.(介词) He goes e___________ to look for his dog. He is kind. He a_________ helps others. Where are my _____________________? (computer game) The model plane is ______________.(she) The teacher asked ________ (you) to read the book. The teacher asked us ______________ (not stay) out late. Who is ______________ (he)? Look at _____________.(they) Let _________ (we) sing a song together. Let’s ________________ (listen) music. ____________ (who) pen is this? The book is ___________________.(Mary and Jane) The pens are the __________________.(students) How are you? I am fine, _____________.(thank) S_________ it, please. M-A-P. How ________ your parents? (be) My English teacher’s name is Bruce White. So we all call him______________. --Is your name Brown? --______________.(做肯定回答) Watching TV ___________ (sound) boring. March 8th is ________________ (woman) Day. There are many _______________ (sheep) on the hill eating grass. Does he have a ____________________? (飞机模型) They can’t sing ________ (和) dance. A set of keys ____________ (be) on the floor. I like those red _____________.(bag) I lost my notebook. I must ___________ (find) it. I _________ my schoolbag in the school library. Look! Here is an e____________ in the pencil box. This is my book; ___________ (your) is in the box. Are these your ________________ (pencil)? _____________ are Grace ‘s dictionaries.(this) -- What are these? --T______ are rulers. It’s dark now. I must ________________.(回家) This is ______________________.(一串钥匙) I have an English- C


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