俄罗斯的一则轰动报道:国家研究院发现KANNE面包汁能够减弱铯 .DOC

俄罗斯的一则轰动报道:国家研究院发现KANNE面包汁能够减弱铯 .DOC

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俄羅斯的一則轟動報道:國家研究院發現KANNE面包汁減弱銫對人體的輻射影響 實驗名稱:研究飲用面包汁對俄羅斯受輻射汙染的兒童有否影響 主負責人:衛生部長Matinowski博士 實驗者:I. Lesetschko博士 實驗地點:Mogilev區的兒童醫院 實驗目的:研究飲用面包汁是否能減少輻射對身體的影響 實驗對象:來自Mogilevski、 Tscaussky,、Klitschewski及 Kostyukowytschsky四個城市的受輻射汙染兒童。 實驗步驟:給每個兒童各30瓶面包汁,由家長安排給孩子服用(時間和劑量已向他們家長說明了),另外,不允許攝入額外維生素試劑或藥片。 飲用面包汁30天後再進行檢測。其中有2位兒童的輻射量沒有變化,主治醫生Lesetschko博士認為這兩位兒童並沒有飲用面包汁。以下是其他兒童的對比數據記錄。 名字 年齡 飲用面包汁前的銫137輻射量 飲用面包汁後的銫137輻射量 Slivakina 6 7481 1456 Koslovskj 5 4905 713 Witalewa 11 4065 1633 Worobjew 10 4055 960 Manonova 15 4678 2042 Wolkowa 18 9133 2608 Kolenkowa 15 5667 1105 Selin 15 6484 1854 Kolenkowa I. 13 6770 1103 Silina 11 5038 740 Kljaus 15 6397 2901 Konoschenko 14 11716 4714 Gorbatschew 14 8430 1858 Cornostajew 14 14860 2919 以上結果明顯說明,飲用KANNE面包汁能促進消除人體內的輻射。這只是初步的推斷,目前將會對來自切爾諾貝利市的1000位兒童開展試驗。 Iwan Lesetschko博士 Mogilev區兒童醫院院長 1993年11月 A SENSTIONAL PIECE OF NEWS COMES FROM RUSSIA: there it was discovered in a trial controlled by the state that KANNE Bread Drink can reduce radiation particles (Caesium 137) in the human body! TEST RESULTS ON THE USE OF KANNNE bread drink ON CHILDREN CONTAMINATED BY RADIOACTIVITY IN RUSSIA. Undertaken by Dr. I. Lesetschko, on the instruction of the Health Minister Dr. Matinowski, in the Mogilev District Childrens Hospital. Original text:— It was our aim to find out whether, by taking KANNE bread drink, radioactive particles can be released from the human organism. To determine this, children were chosen from four areas affected by radiation. The children were tested as outpatients with the Japanese human dosimeter before taking the drink. Children whose dosimetry levels exceeded 3700 Bg were chosen. Care was taken to ensure that the children experienced the same living conditions and received the same food as they did before taking the drink. Each child was given 30 bottles of bread drink. The dosage and timing was explained to the families. The children were given no extra vitamins or drugs. After 30 days consumption of the bread dri


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